Faculty and Staff Directory

SEARCHING BY DIVISION: For a complete list of members in a particular division, enter the division name in the search box. The search is not case sensitive.

SEARCHING BY PERSON: If you type in a last name and it does not appear, try adding a comma immediately after the last name. For example, “Diamond,” or “Lin,”.

NameWebpagePosition / RankDivisionLocationPhone / E-mail
Maryam Abbassian MilaniM. Abbassian MilaniSenior Administrative Assistant Cardiac SurgeryAddress:
486-Burrard Building St. Paul's Hospital 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9307
Email: mmilani@mail.ubc.ca
Arman AbdalkhaniA. AbdalkhaniClinical Associate Professor, Undergraduate Medical Education Director, Department of SurgeryOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
1160 Burrard Street, Suite 606
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6Z 2E8
Phone: 604.757.1831
Email: dr.a@ubc.ca
Jim AbelJ. AbelClinical ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul’s Hospital
4th Floor Providence Wing 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8503
Email: jabel@providencehealth.bc.ca
Sheikh AhmedS. AhmedClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-Abbotsford Centre
32900 Marshall Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 0C2
Phone: 604.851.4743 Email: sheikh.ahmed@ubc.ca
Tamir AilonT.AilonClinical Assistant ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
6th Floor – 818 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.675.2418
Scott AinslieS. AinslieClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3107 35th Avenue, Vernon, BC
V1T 2T2
Phone: 250.545.6443
Ryojo AkagamiR.AkagamiClinical ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 8109-2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5734
Email: ryojo.akagami@ubc.ca
Abraham AlexanderA.AlexanderClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VICC 2410 Lee Avenue Victoria, BC V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5577
Bruce AllardyceB. AllardyceAssociate Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Kurt AlscherK. AlscherClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
305 - 1621 Dufferin Crescent
Nanaimo, BC
V9S 5T4
Phone: 250.753.0100
Bradley AmsonB. AmsonClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1555 McKenzie Avenue
Victoria, BC V8N 1A4
Phone: 250.220.8929
Don AndersonD. AndersonClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 4th Floor 2775 Laurel Str. Vancouver BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.945.0711 Email: dwa@shaw.ca
Alexander AnzarutA. AnzarutClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
201-2763 Beverly Street Duncan, BC V9L 6Y9
Phone: 250.597.2064
Ziliang AoZ. AoResearch AssociateGeneral SurgeryAddress:
UBC/VGH Clinical Islet Laboratory
Research Pavilion
828 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1L8
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 62487
Email: ziliang.ao@ubc.ca
James ApplebyJ. ApplebyClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1624 7th Avenue Prince George, BC
V2L 3P6
Phone: 250.596.0229
Denise ArchibaldD. ArchibaldEducation Program ManagerDepartment of SurgeryAddress:
Room 11119 11th Floor Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 23103
Email: denise.archibald@ubc.ca
Jugpal ArnejaJ. ArnejaClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Plastic Surgery Clinic- BC's Children's Hospital A237- 4480 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.2794
Margaret AronM. AronClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Burnaby ENT Associates
4460 Beresford Street Burnaby, BC V5H 0B8
Phone: 604.428.5301
Ahmad AshrafiA. AshrafiClinical Associate ProfessorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
13737 96th Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 0C6
Phone: 604.588.5634
Nava AslaniN. AslaniClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
68 East 13th Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 4W8
Phone: 604.924.0788
Siavash AtrchianS. AtrchianClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3911
Courtney BabcockC. BabcockClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1624 7th Avenue
Prince George, BC
V2L 3P6
Phone: 250.596.0229
Gaurav BahlG. BahlClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
32900 Marshall Road Abbotsford, BC
V2S 0C2
Phone: 604.851.4742
Robert BairdR. BairdClinical Professor
Director, Postgraduate Education, Division of Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric SurgeryClinical:
4500 Oak St,
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3N1
Cameron BakalaC. D. BakalaClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
3330 Richter Street Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.868.8056
Email: ccdbakala@uniserve.com
Sarah BakerS. BakerClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer Surrey - Department of Radiation Oncology 13750 96 Ave, Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.2098
Christopher BaliskiC. BaliskiClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3900 Ext 686827
Research Phone: 250.712.3994
Email: cbaliski@bccancer.bc.ca
Susan BalkwillS. BalkwillClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-FVCC 13750 96th. Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.4036
G. Philip BarnsleyG. BarnsleyClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1621Dufferin Crescent, Nanaimo, BC
V9S 5T4
Phone: 250.591.0701
Andrew BartlettJ. BartlettClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
7031 Westminster Hwy. Richmond, BC V6X 1A3
Phone: 604.273.4360 Email: jabartlett@telus.net
Clark BartlettC. BartlettClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1200 Burrard St Vancouver, BC
V6Z 2C7
Phone: 250.920.5500
Fax: 250.920.5580
Anise BartonA. BartonClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
321 Nicola Street Kamloops, BC
V2C 6G6
Phone: 250.828.2848
Jamil BashirJ. BashirClinical Professor;
Head, Division of Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac SurgeryClinical:
4th Floor Burrard Bldg
1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9668
Adam BassiliA. BassiliClinical InstructorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
2020 Richmond Road Victoria, BC
V8R 6R5
Phone: 250.595.2820
Fax: 250.598.2850
James BaughanJ. BaughanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1315 Summit Drive Kamloops, BC
V2C 5R9
Phone: 250.374.0574
Keith BaxterK. BaxterClinical Associate ProfessorVascular Surgery
Amy BazzarelliA. BazzarelliClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Centro Medical and Surgical Centre,
4610 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V5V 3R7
Phone: 604.874.1141
Osama Ben HameidO. Ben HameidClinical Assistant ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
2251 Pandosy Street, 2nd floor Walter Anderson Building Kelowna, BC V1Y 1T1
Phone: 604.862.4000
Alanah BergmanA. BergmanClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Phone: : 604.877.6000
Ext 672781
Tanya BerrangT. BerrangClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
2410 Lee Avenue Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5577
James BondJ. BondClinical Assistant Professor, Postgraduate Education Program Director, Head, Division of Thoracic SurgeryThoracic SurgeryClinical:
Surrey Memorial Hospital 13750 96th Avenue. Surrey, B.C. V3V 1Z2.
Phone: 604.581.2211
Email: james.bond@ubc.ca
Alan BoroditskyA. BoroditskyClinical InstructorMember At LargeClinical:
# 1104
750 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1J1
Esta BovillE. BovillClinical Associate ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1200 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C7
Phone: 604.568.4008
Maria BrakeM. BrakeClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
# 205
616 K.L.O. Rd
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 4X4
Sean BristolS. BristolClinical Associate ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
3rd. floor
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5866
Santosh BrittoS. BrittoClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
10th St NE
Salmon Arm, BC
V1E 4N6
Phone: 250.803.8177
Email: tebritto@telus.net
Dan BrosseukD. BrosseukClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
517 Sixth Ave North
Williams Lake, BC
V2G 2G8
Phone: 250.398.8280 Email: danbrosseuk@telus.net
Aaron BrownA. BrownClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
2151 McCallum Road Abbotsford, BC
V2S 3N8
Phone: 604.850.0750
Carl BrownC. BrownClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1081 Burrard Street Vancouver BC
V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8711
Email: cbrown@providencehealth.bc.ca
Erin BrownE. BrownClinical Professor; Division HeadPlastic SurgeryClinical:
DHCC 3rd. floor
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5866
Email: erin.brown@ubc.ca
Michael BrownM. BrownClinical InstructorGeneral Surgery
Ross BrownD. BrownClinical Professor Adjunct ProfessorGeneral Surgery
Branch for Global Surgical Care
Trauma Services
855 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
mail: ross.brown@vch.ca
Richard BrownleeRichard D. BrownleeClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
474 Columbia Street Kamloops, BC V2C 2T5
Phone: 250.828.1842
Marija BucevskaM. BucevskaResearch AssociatePlastic SurgeryPhone: 604.875.2525
Email: marija.bucevska@ubc.ca
Andrzej BuczkowskiA. BuczkowskiClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Access Health Surgery Clinic
Laurel Medical Building
888 West 8th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Y 3Y1
Phone: 604.871.0101
Email: andrzej.buczkowski@vch.ca
Samuel BugisS. BugisClinical Professor, Medical Director for Branch of Global Surgical CareGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1665 West Broadway Vancouver BC
V6J 5A4
Phone: 604.638.2843
Email: samuel.bugis@ubc.ca
Paul BuiP. BuiClinical Instructor
Postgraduate Education Director
Cardiac SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul’s Hospital 4th Floor Providence Wing 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.682.2344
Email: Paul.bui@ubc.ca
Thomas BuonassisiT. BuonassisiClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
1200 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7M 3H6
Phone: 604.904.3400
Email: drbuonassisi@8west.ca
Kevin BushK. BushClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
138 Davie Street Vancouver, BC
V6Z 2V4
Phone: 604.806.3676
Sonia ButterworthS. ButterworthClinical Professor Pediatric Surgery
Sonia CaderS. CaderClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
9639 137A Street
Surrey, BC
V3T 0M1
Ryan CainR. CainClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
800 Baker Street Cranbrook, BC
V1C 1A2
Phone: 250.489.3323
Andrew CampbellA. CampbellClinical Associate ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
Room 492
Burrard Building,
Saint Paul's Hospital Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8282
Julianna CaonJ. CaonClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
2410 Lee Avenue Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5425
Hannah CarolanH. CarolanClinical Associate Professor
Radiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Nadine CaronN. CaronProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Northern Medical Program - UBC
3333 University Way Prince George BC V2N 4Z9
Phone: 250.960.6731
Email: nadine.caron@ubc.ca
Nicholas CarrN. CarrClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryPhone: 604.733.9711
Email: nicholas.carr@ubc.ca
Aida Castro-ChanA. Castro-ChanAcademic Program CoordinatorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Ext 2006
Email: acastro@bccancer.bc.ca
Norman CaustonN. CaustonClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
9181 Main Street Chilliwack, BC
V2P 4M9
Phone: 604.792.1556
Email: ncauston@telus.net
Neil ChadhaN. ChadhaClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
4480 Oak Street Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.3730
Email: nchadha@cw.bc.ca
Ryaz ChagparR. ChagparClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1101 Dewdney Avenue Trail, BC
V1R 4T1
Phone: 250.368.3511
George ChangG. ChangClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
168 East 13th Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 4W8
Phone: 604.924.0788
Navjot ChaudharyN. ChaudharyClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
iScope Concussion and Pain Clinic
Suite 301-9639 137A St
Surrey, BC V3T 1M0

Neurosurgery Spine Triage Clinic
Suite 100-1830 Oak Bay Ave.
Victoria, BC V8R 6R2
iScope Concussion and Pain Clinic
Phone: 604-900-7007

Neurosurgery Spine Triage Clinic
Phone: 778-265-6677
Rona CheifetzR. CheifetzAssociate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
BC Cancer Vancouver
600 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver BC V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Email: rcheifetz@bccancer.bc.ca
Jerry ChenJ. ChenClinical Professor
Vascular SurgeryClinical:
Room 4203
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5535
Email: jerry.chen@vch.ca
Ho Man ChengH. ChengClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1641 Hillside Avenue Victoria, BC
V8W 0A9
Phone: 250.592.8668 Fax: 250.592.8625
Jenny ChengJ. ChengClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1125 Dufferin Crescent Nanaimo, BC
V9S 2B5
Phone: 250.591.3301
Anson CheungA. CheungClinical ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital 493A
1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8282 Email: acheung@providencehealth.bc.ca
Arthur CheungA. CheungClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
3750 96th Avenue Surrey, BC
V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.4036
Roy CheungR. CheungClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
#401-1990 Fort Street Victoria, BC
V8R 6V4
Phone: 250.590.4008
Connie ChiuC. ChiuClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
223 Nelson's Crescent, New Westminster
BC, V3L 0E4
Phone: 604.520.5070
Jack ChiuJ. ChiuClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
5th Floor
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5841
Email: jack.chiu2@vch.ca
Peter ChongP. ChongClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1617 Baker Street, Cranbrook BC
V1C 1B4
Phone: 250.489.3044
Teong Kuan ChuahT. ChuahClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
13737 96th Avenue Surrey, BC
V3V 0C6
Phone: 604.582.3004
Stephen ChungS. ChungProfessor EmeritusGeneral SurgeryEmail: stephen.chung@vch.ca
Wallace ChungW. ChungProfessor EmeritusVascular Surgery
Kevin ClarkeK. ClarkeClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Victoria General Hospital
1 Hospital Way Victoria, BC V8Z 6R5
Phone: 250.727.4212 Email:kclarke@entvictoria.com
Rachel DickersonR. Dickerson Senior Program Assistant, Surgical FoundationsDepartment of SurgeryAddress:
Room 11115
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center
11th floor
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 23012
Email: rachel.dickerson@ubc.ca
William ClelandW. ClelandClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
301 Victoria Street Kamloops, BC
V2C 2A3
Phone: 250.372.3661 Email: jcleland@shaw.ca
David CookD. CookClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
1570 Bay Ave
Trail, BC
V1R 4B3
Phone: 250-364-5712
Richard CookR. CookClinical ProfessorCardiac Surgery
Shaun CoughlinS. CoughlinClinical Assistant ProfessorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
2020 Richmond Rd Victoria, BC
V8R 6R5
Phone: 250.595.2820
Rebecca CourtemancheR. CourtemancheClinical Research ManagerPlastic SurgeryAddress:
BC Children's Hospital Room K3-131
4480 Oak Street Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.2525
Email: rebecca.courtemanche@ubc.ca
Douglas J. CourtemancheD. CourtemancheClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Plastic Surgery Clinic BC's Children's Hospital Room K3-131-4480 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.2291 Email:douglas.courtemanche@ubc.ca
Scott CowieS CowieClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
5171 221A Street Langley BC
V2Y 0A2
Phone: 604.534.9288
Email: scott_edward_cowie@hotmail.com
Juanita CrookJ. CrookProfessor Radiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3979
Email: JCrook@bccancer.bc.ca
Johann CunninghamJ. CunninghamClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#405-1120 Yates Street Victoria, BC
V8V 3M9
Phone: 250.220.8927
Lei (Derek) DaiDai, Lei (Derek)Research TechnicianGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute
950 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.3792
Email: derek.dai@ubc.ca
Long-Jun DaiL DaiResearch TechnicianGeneral Surgery Ike Barber Human Islet Transplantation LaboratoryAddress:
VGH Research Pavilion #460
828 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1L8
Phone: 604.875.2501
Email: long-jun.dai@ubc.ca
Eytan DavidE. DavidClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
1221 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2H5
Phone: 604.988.0598
Noelle DavisN. DavisAssociate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
5th Floor
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5880
Email: noelle.davis@bccancer.bc.ca
Nicolas DeaN. DeaClinical Associate ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
6th Floor
818 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.675.2418
Aniedi DearA. DearClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
4634 Park Avenue Terrace, BC
V86 1V7
Phone: 250.615.5020
Shaun DeenS. DeenClinical Assistant ProfessorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
2903 Pandosy Street Kelowna, BC
V1Y 1W1
Phone: 250.763.7660
Jeffrey DemetrickJ. DemetrickClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Vernon Jubilee Hospital 3107 35th Avenue Vernon, BC
V1T 2T2
Phone: 250.545.6443
Arko DemianczukA. DemianczukClinical Associate ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1200 Burrard Street Vancouver BC
V6Z 2C7
Phone: 604.806.6365 Email: arkod@telus.net
Andrew DentonA. DentonClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
943 West Broadway Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E1
Phone: 604.879.3223 Email: abd@doctordenton.com
Zameel DewjiZ. DewjiClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
301 E. Columbia Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3W5
Phone: 604.428.5301
Chris DiamondC. DiamondClinical Associate ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
201 - 1133 Londsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2H4
Phone: 604.973.0222 Email: dr.diamond@shaw.ca
Mark DickesonM. DickesonClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#101-3825 Sunset Street Burnaby, BC
V5G 1T4
Phone: 604.558.3834
Matthew Dickson M. DicksonClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Suite 101- 8644 120th St.,
Surrey, BC V3W 3N6
Phone: 604.588.8883
Carol DingeeC. DingeeClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
809 West 41 Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N6
Phone: 604.731.2176
Slobodan DjurickovicS. DjurickovicClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
3066 Shelbourne Street Victoria, BC
V8R 6T9
Phone: 250.592.5510
Charles DongC. DongClinical Associate ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
EEG Lab, Ground Fl. CP Vancouver General Hospital
855 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 41M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 66035
Tony DowellA. DowellClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1461 Sherwood Drive Nanaimo, BC
V9T 1G8
Phone: 250.594.5971 Email:ajdowell@shaw.ca
Brian DuboisB. DuboisClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1569 6th Avenue Prince George, BC
V2L 3N4
Phone: 250.563.0680
Damian Duffy,D. DuffyManaging Director Office of Pediatric Surgical Evaluation and Innovation (OPSEI)Pediatric SurgeryAddress:
Clinical Support Building, V2-238-950 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2912 Email: dduffy@cw.bc.ca
James DunfieldJ. DunfieldClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Mill Memorial Hospital 500-4634 Park Ave, Terrace, BC
V8G 1V7
Phone: 250.615.5073
Scott DurhamS. DurhamClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical: Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 4th Floor 2775 Laurel Str. Vancouver BC V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.5629
Felix DurityF. DurityProfessor EmeritusNeurosurgeryEmail: fdurity@telus.net
Cheryl DuzenliC. DuzenliClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical Office address: 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6Phone: 604.877.6000
Ext 672021
Gareth EesonG. EesonClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office address: 203-3040 Tutt Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2H5Phone: 250.763.2226 Fax: 250.861.5937
Hossam ElsharkawiH. ElsharkawiAdjunct ProfessorBranch for Global Surgical CareRoom 11135 Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 11th floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Heather Emmerton-CoughlinH. Emmerton-CoughlinClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryRoyal Jubilee Hospital
David EvansD. EvansClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical: Trauma Services 855 W 12th Ave Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.4570 Email: david.evans@vch.ca
Warwick EvansW. EvansClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 500 - 4634 Park Avenue Terrace, BC V8G 1V7Phone: 250.615.5060
Morgan EvansM. EvansClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical Office Address: 301-1625 Oak Bay Ave Victoria BC V8R 1B1Phone: 250.595.6009
David FairholmDavid J. FairholmClinical ProfessorNeurosurgeryEmail: fairholm@telus.net
Jason FauldsJ. FauldsClinical Assistant ProfessorVascular SurgeryClinical:
Room 4221
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Lynn FedorukL. FedorukClinical Assistant ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
2020 Richmond Road
Victoria, BC
V8R 6R5
Phone: 250.595.1833
Email: cvtsurgery@cvtsurgery.com
Richard FinleyR. FinleyProfessor EmeritusThoracic-Surgery
Ian FleetwoodIan G. FleetwoodClinical Associate ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
605 Discovery Street Victoria, BC
V8T 5G4
Jason ForbesJ. ForbesClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1959 152nd Street Surrey, BC V4A 9E3
Phone: 604.535.0525
Guy FradetG. FradetAssociate Professor EmeritusCardiac Surgery
Evan FrangouE. FrangouClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
106-1411 Cook St, Victoria, BC, V8V 0E8
Phone: 778.265.6677
Rodney FrenchR. FrenchClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
5620 152 Street Surrey, BC
V3S 3K2
Phone: 778.571.4263 Email: rodfrench@hotmail.com
Charlene Nair-GafurC. Nair-GafurSenior Program Assistant Medical Education Department of SurgeryAddress:
Room 11115
11th floor
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 23124
Email: charlene.gafur@ubc.ca
Joel GagnonJ. GagnonClinical Assistant ProfessorVascular SurgeryClinical:
208-301 Columbia St E
New Westminster, BC
V3L 3W5
Phone: 604.524.9144 Email: joel.gagnon@ubc.ca
Rosa GarciaR. GarciaResearch Assistant TechnicianGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Rm A4-186
950 West 28th Ave. Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2000
Ext 4602
Email: rosa.garcia@ubc.ca
Cathie GarnisC. GarnisAssociate ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
675 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1L3
Phone: 604.675.8041 Email: cgarnis@bccrc.ca
Naisan GarrawayN. GarrawayClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Trauma Services 855 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5094 Email:naisan.garraway@vch.ca
Ben GelfantB. GelfantClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1333 West Broadway Vancouver, BC
V6H 4C1
Phone: 604.874.2078 Email: info@gelfant.com
Krista GenowayK. GenowayClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
3rd Floor, Station 8
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z1M9
Phone: 604.875.5866
Francois GermainF. GermainClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3900
Email: fgermain@bccancer.bc.ca
Ermias GeteE. GeteClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Heitham GherianiH. GherianiClinical Associate Professor, MD Undergraduate Education DirectorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical :
Cascade City Building
115 – 5766 Gilbert Road
Richmond, BC, V7C 0G3
Phone: 604.428.6313
Fax: 604.484.2191
Email: heitham.gheriani@ubc.ca
Jana GilliesJ. GilliesResearch Assistant TechnicianGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Rm A4-186
950 West 28th Ave Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4H4
Email: jana.gillies@ubc.ca
Nadra GintingN. GintingClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical:
8700 200 Street Langley, BC
V2Y 0G4
Phone: 604.888.7505
Email: nadra.ginting@ubc.ca
Karen GoddardK. GoddardClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Michelle GoeckeM.GoeckeClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#403 223 Nelson Cres New Westminster, BC V3L 0E4
Phone: 604.522.7737
Naomi YoshidaN. YoshidaClinical Assistant ProfessorPediatric SurgeryClinical:
Queen Alexandra Centre For Children’s Health
2400 Arbutus Rd Victoria, BC
V8N 1V7
Phone: 250.590.9657
Peter GooderhamP. GooderhamClinical Assistant Professor
Room 8113
2775 Laurel Street DHCC
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5235
Michael GoodwinM. GoodwinClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#305-5171 221A St Langley BC
V2Y 0A2
Phone: 604.534.9288
Adrian GooiA. GooiClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Indigo ENT
101 - 2963 Glen Dr Vancouver, BC
V3B 2P7
Phone: 604.941.8474
Michael GormanM. GormanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#115, 436 Lorne St Kamloops , BC
Phone: 250.372.1697
Jennifer GoulartJ. GoulartClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA-VICC 2410 Lee Avenue Victoria, BC V8R 6V5Phone: 604.519.5575
Preneshlin GovenderP. GovenderClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
2268 Pandosy St Kelowna, BC
V1Y 1T2
Clive GraftonC. GraftonClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Robert GrangerR. GrangerClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
250 Keary Street New Westminster, BC
V3L 5E7
Phone: 604.526.3767
Email: rdigranger.rgsurgeon@shaw.ca
Kyle GrantK. GrantClinical InstructorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
Room 7105
2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone:: 604.875.5388
Email: kyle.grant@vch.ca
Jason GrayJ. GrayClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1641 Hillside Ave Victoria, BC
V8R 6R2
Phone: 250.592.8668
Cecilia GruberC. GruberEducation Program ManagerBranch for Global Surgical CareAddress:
Room 11135
2775 Laurel St
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 23110
Email: Cecilia.Gruber@ubc.ca
Shahid GulShahid M. GulClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
#405, 125 13 St
North Vancouver, BC V7L 2L3
Phone: 604.904.7467
Derek GunningD. GunningClinical InstructorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
233 Nelson’s Crescent New Westminster, BC V3L 3W7
Phone: 604.522.6800 Fax: 604.540.8126
Nicole HallgrenN. HallgrenClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical: 420 – 175 west 2nd Avenue Kamloops, BCClinical: 250.851.4465
Ross HalperinR. HalperinClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3Clinical: 250.979-6645 rhalperin@bccancer.bc.ca
Sarah HamiltonS. HamiltonClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyBC Cancer Agency
Trevor HamiltonT. HamiltonClinical Associate Professor;
Program Co-Director, Postgraduate Education, Division of General Surgery
General SurgeryClinical: DHCC 5195 5th Floor, 2775 Laurel St. Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9Clinical: 604.875.5880
David HanksD. HanksClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 204-300 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 6L1Clinical: 250.374.0028
Maxim HansenM. HansenClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 204-300 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 6L1Clinical: 250.374.0028
Jianqiang HaoJ. HaoResearch Asst/Tech 3General-Surgery Ike Barber Human Islet Transplantation Laboratory460
828 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1L8
Ext 62487
Maureen HarrimanM. HarrimanClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery410
4460 Beresford Street
Burnaby BC

Address 2:
30- 1040 Legacy Way
Whistler BC, V0N1B1
Address 1:
Phone: 604.428.5301
Fax: 604.428.5311

Address 2:
Phone: 604 905 1500
Jeremy HarrisJ. HarrisClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical: 201-3001 Tutt Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2H4Clinical: 250.762.7731
Trevor HartlT. HartlClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical: 103 - 34143 Marshall Road Abbotsford BC, V2S 1L8Clinical: 604.758.5688
Charles HawC. HawClinical Assistant ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical: 8121-2775 Laurel Street DHCC, VGH Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9Clinical: 604.875.4391 charles.haw@vch.ca
Robert HaydenR. HaydenClinical ProfessorCardiac SurgeryNew WestminsterPhone:604.806.9913 Email: robert.hayden@ubc.ca
Zehua HeZ. HeResearch Assistant TechnicianGeneral-Surgery Ike Barber Human Islet Transplantation Laboratory460-828 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1L8Phone:604.875.4111
Ext 62487
Erika HenkelmanE. HenkelmanClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryK3-131 4480 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 0B3Phone: 604.875.2008
Stephen HentschelS. HentschelClinical Associate ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical: 605 Discovery Street Victoria, B.C. V8T 5G4Phone: 250.383.3638 Ext 3 Stephen.Hentschel@islandhealth.ca
Navraj HeranNavraj S. HeranClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical: Unit 304 -250 Keary St.,
New Westminster BC
V3L 5E7
Phone: 604.520.1120 Email:cathycosh@fraserhealthneurosurgery.com
Mark HillM. HillClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical: Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre Level3-2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.5866 Email:mark.hill@ubc.ca
Stephen HiscockS. HiscockClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 571 6th. Street Ne Unit 103 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 1R6Phone: 250.832.1052
Clement HoC. HoClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical Office address: 13750 96 Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2Phone: 604.930.408
David HoeglerD. HoeglerClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3Phone:250.712.3900
Caroline HollowayC. HollowayClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical: BC Cancer – Victoria, 2410 Lee Avenue, Victoria, BC V8R 6V5Phone: 250.712.3900
Christopher HoneyC. HoneyProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical: Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 8105-2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.5894
Email: chris.honey@telus.net
Gordon HoustonG. HoustonClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 307-7031 Westminster Highway Richmond, B.C. V6X 1A3Phone:604.270.2726
York HsiangY. HsiangProfessor EmeritusVascular Surgery
Marvin HsiaoM. HsiaoClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical office address: 301 Columbia St E, Suite 306
New Westminster, BC V3L 3W5
Fred HsuF. HsuClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA-Abbotsford Centre 32900 Marshall Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 0C2Phone: 604.851.4710
Amanda HuA. HuClinical Associate Professor Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical Office address: 4th Floor - 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.4640
Qing Jessica HuangJ. HuangResearch Assistant TechnicianGeneral SurgeryBC Children’s Hospital Research Institute 950 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4Phone: 604.875.2000
Ext 4602
Email: qhuang @bcchr.ca
Meg HughesM. HughesAdministratorGeneral SurgeryResearch: BC Children's Hospital Research Institute 950 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4Phone: 604.875.2000
Ext 4905
Email: meg.hughes@ubc.ca
Michael HumerM. HumerClinical Associate ProfessorThoracic SurgeryClinical: Kelowna General Hospital 2178 Pandosy Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1S8Phone: 250.763.7660
Ghee HwangG. HwangClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 3107 - 35th. Avenue Vernon BC V1T 2T2Phone: 250.545.6443 Email: tghwang@shaw.ca
Hamish HwangH. HwangClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 200-3207 30th. Ave Vernon, BC V1T 2C6Phone: 250.545.2288
Sally HynesS. HynesClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical Office address:
Box 625
Rm K3-131
4480 Oak St Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.3748
Paris-Ann IngledewP-A. IngledewClinical Professor;
MD Undergraduate Education Director
Radiation OncologyClinical: BCCA Vancouver
600 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Robert IrvineR. IrvineClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Kathryn IsaacK. IsaacAssistant Professor
Dr. Patricia Clugston VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation Chair in Breast Reconstruction Surgery
Plastic SurgeryClinical Office Address: Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
2775 Laurel Street, 3rd Floor, Plastic Surgery
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Research Office Address:
UBC Hospital
Purdy Pavilion Room M41
2221 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 2B5
Phone: 604.336.9488
Fax: 604.336.9489
Sabine IvisonS. IvisonClinical Research and Development Project ManagerGeneral SurgeryResearch: BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute A4-186 950 West 28th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4Research: 604.875.2000
Ext 6425 sabine.ivison@ubc.ca
Friedrich JacobsohnF. JacobsohnClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 545 Front Street Quesnel, BC V2J 2K7Phone: 250.985.5521
Michael JacobyM. JacobyClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical: Tudor Village Clock Tower, 105-1315 Summit Drive, Kamloops, BC V2C 5R9Phone: 250.377.4949
Dalbhir JangraD. JangraClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 33623 Wildwood Drive Abbotsford, BC V2S 1S2Phone: 604.504.1911 Email:
Ryan JanickiRyan JanickiClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical: 405 125 East 13th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7L 3R9Phone: 604.990.1111
Arif JanjuaA. JanjuaClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical: DHCC- ENT Clinic 4th Floor, 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.8296
Michael JanuszM. JanuszClinical ProfessorCardiac SurgeryVancouverPhone: 604.875.7371
Rhonda JanzenR. JanzenClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 205-9656 King George Blvd Surrey, BC V3T 2V5Phone: 604.582.3004 aaron-rhonda@shaw.ca
Jasbir JaswalJ. JaswalClinical InstructorRadiation Oncology13750 96 Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2Phone: 604-930-4085 Fax: 604-675-7207
Amin JaverA. JaverClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical: 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6Phone:604.806.9926 sinussurgeon@drjaver.com
Cam JeffreyC. JeffreyClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 200-10504 100 Avenue Fort St. JohnPhone: 250.875.7732
Daniel JenkinD. JenkinClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 305-1621 Dufferin Crescent Nanaimo, BC V9S 5T4Phone: 250.753.8808
Lawrence JewettL. JewettClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical: 800 Baker Street Cranbrook, BC V1C 1A2Clinical: 250.489.3323
Howard JoeH. JoeClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA-VICC 2410 Lee Avenue Victoria, BC V8R 6V5Clinical: 250.519.5576
Gurp JohalG. JohalClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
107 - 3825 Sunset Street
Burnaby, BC
V5G 1T4
Amanda JohnerA. JohnerClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: Lion's Gate Hospital
James JohnsonJ. JohnsonProfessorGeneral SurgeryResearch: LSC 5320 Lab. 5358 Life Sciences Centre 2350 Health Sciences Mall Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3Research: 604.822.7187 james.d.johnson@ubc.ca
Steven JohnsonS. JohnsonClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical: Royal Inland HospitalPhone: 250.337.331
Sarah JohnstoneS. JohnstoneGeneral Surgical Oncology Sub specialty Senior Program AssistantGeneral SurgeryAddress:
Diamond Health Care Centre
Room 5199
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5770 Email: sarah.johnstone@ubc.ca
Emilie JoosE. JoosClinical Associate Professor; Area of Focused Competence Director, General Surgery TraumaGeneral Surgery
Branch for Global Surgical Care
855 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Clinical: 604.875.4559
Karen JoughinK. JoughinClinical Associate ProfessorMember at LargePhone:604.875.4111 Email: karen.joughin@ubc.ca
Janice JourneauJ. JourneauClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 103-571 6th. Street Northeast Salmon Arm BC V1E 1R6Clinical: 250.833.3600
Anand JugnauthA. JugnauthClinical InstructorThoracic SurgeryClinical: Kelowna General Hospital 2178 Pandosy Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1S8Clinical: 250.763.7660
Jon David JustJ.JustClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 204-300 Columbia Street Kamloops BC V2C 6L1Clinical: 250.374.0028
Sara KalechsteinS. KalechsteinClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 101-1617 Baker Street Cranbrook, BC V1C 1B4Clinical: 250.489-3044
Alan KamitakaharaA. KamitakaharaClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 305-250 Keary Street New Westminster BC, V3L 5E7Clinical: 604.522.6020
Sachiyo KanekoS. KanekoSenior Administrative AssistantNeurosurgeryRoom 11115 11th floor Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9604.875.4111
Ext 23119
Shahzad KarimS. KarimClinical ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical: 604.522.6800
Ahmer KarimuddinA. KarimuddinClinical Associate Professor
Postgraduate Education Co-Director
General SurgeryClinical: C313, St Paul's Hospital 1081 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6Clinical: 604.806.8711 akarimuddin@providencehealth.bc.ca
Anand KarvatA. KarvatClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA-FVCC 13750 96th. Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2Clinical: 604.930.4032
Kamyar KazemiK. KazemiClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical: 250 Keary Street New Westminster, BC V3L 5E7Clinical: 604.521.3917
Mira KeyesM. KeyesClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Clinical: 604.877.6000 local 2660 mkeyes@bccancer.bc.ca
Rana KhanR. KhanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:Clinical:
Ramin KholdebarinR. KholdebarinClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office address:
5631 Inlet Avenue
Sechelt, BC
V0N 3A3
Phone: 604.740.0673
Douglas KibblewhiteD. KibblewhiteClinical Associate ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical: 802-777 West Broadway Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J7Clinical: 604.688.5900
Timothy KiefferT. KiefferProfessorGeneral SurgeryResearch: 5308 - 2350 Life Sciences Centre University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C.V6T 1Z3Research: 604.822.2156 tim.kieffer@ubc.ca
David KimD. KimClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3Clinical: 250.712.3958
Peter KimP.KimClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office Address: 5th Floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Charmaine Kim-SingC. Kim-SingClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6Clinical: 604.877.6000
Jan KlompjeJ. KlompjeClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office address: 102-1790 11th Ave W Vancouver, BC V6J 2C3
Andreas KluftingerA. KluftingerClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 203-3040 Tutt Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2H5Clinical: 250.763.2226
Mitsu KombaM. KombaResearch Assistant TechnicianGeneral SurgeryBC Children's Hospital Research Institute A4-151-950 West 28th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4H4604.875.2000 ext 4668 mitsuhiro.komba@ubc.ca
David KonkinD. KonkinClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 208 - 250 Keary Street New Westminster, BC V7K 1G1Clinical: 604.526.2440 drkonkinmoa@shaw.ca
Daniel KopakD. KopakClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical:
311-6051 Gilbert Road Richmond, BC V7C 3V3
Phone: 604.370.6366
Theodora KoulisT. KoulisClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer – Victoria, 2410 Lee Avenue, Victoria, BC V8R 6V5
Dave KramerD. KramerClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
320-301 Victoria Street Kamloops BC, V2C 2A3
Phone: 250.374.1488
Timothy KramerT. KramerClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
202-3330 Richter St Kelowna, BC V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.861.5578
Urve KuuskU. KuuskClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1530 West 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1S3
Phone: 604.738.2151
John KwakJ. KwakClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
213-13710 94A Ave. Surrey, BC V3V 1N1
Phone: 604.582.9890
Winkle KwanW. KwanClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-FVCC 13750 96th. Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.4032
Elaine LamE. LamClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office Address: 302 - 2020 Richmond Road Victoria, British Columbia
Karl LangerK. LangerClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3107 35th. Avenue, Vernon, BC
V1T 2T2
Phone: 250.545.6443
Karen LarsenK. LarsenHuman Resources ManagerDepartment of SurgeryAddress:
Room 11131
11th floor
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 23114
Timothy LathamT. LathamClinical Assistant ProfessorCardiac SurgeryPhone: 604.522.6800
Andrew LaweA. LaweClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Kootenay Boundary Hospital 1200 Hospital Bench Trail, BC V1R 4M1
Phone: 250.368.3311
Kirk LawlorK. LawlorClinical Associate Professor; Division HeadVascular SurgeryClinical:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center
2775 Laurel Street
room 4228
Vancouver, BC
Phone: 604.875.5495
Fax: 604.875.5542
Jane LeaJ. LeaClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical: ENT clinic – Providence 2. St. Paul’s Hospital Rotary Hearing Clinic 1081 Burrard St Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6Phone: 604.806.8540
Pamela LecoP.LecoClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
3-2213 Waddington Crt Kelowna BC
V1V 2P4
Adrian LeeA. Lee Clinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
301-13737-96th. Avenue Surrey, BC, V3V 0C6
Phone: 604.589.6021
Alexander LeeA. LeeClinical Associate Professor
Postgraduate Education Director
Thoracic SurgeryClinical:
7101-2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5152 Fax: 604.875.5828
Andrew LeeA.LeeClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
250 Keary Street New Westminster BC V3L 5E7
Phone: 604.526.8979
Kevin LeeK. LeeClinical Assistant ProfessorVascular SurgeryClinical:
301 East Columbia St
New Westminster, BC V3L 3W5
Phone: 604.522.0060 Fax: 604.628.3867
Laura LeeL. LeeAdjunct ProfessorBranch for Global Surgical CareRoom 11135 Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 11th floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Patricia LeeP. LeeClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 4th Floor 2775 Laurel St. Vancouver BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.1012
Shung LeeS. LeeClinical Assistant ProfessorVascular SurgeryClinical:
405 - 1120 Yates Street Victoria BC V8V 3M9
Phone: 250.384.8154
Tsz Kin LeeTK. LeeClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
32900 Marshall Rd Abbotsford, BC
Kim LefevreK. LefevreClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
303-3320 Richter Street, Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.763.2782
Shilo LefresneS. LefresneClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Ext 2673
John LeggeJ. LeggeClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
PO Box 81152 Stn. Burnaby, BC
V5H 4K2
Maureen Leia-StephenM. Leia-StephenClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 114-436 Lorne Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 1W3Phone: 250.372.9995
Peter LennoxP. LennoxClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1000-777 W. Broadway Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J7
Phone: 604.876.6552
Carson LeongC. LeongClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-FVCC 13750 96th. Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
Kenneth LeRoseK. LeRoseClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryPhone:250.368.4910
Beverly LesterB. LesterClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-Abbotsford Centre 32900 Marshall Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 0C2
Phone: 604.851.4710
Ron LettR. LettAdjunct ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
105 - 1985 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6J 4Y3
Phone: 604.739.4708
Sher-Ping LeungS-P. LeungClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
45600 Menholm Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1P7
Phone: 604.795.4141
Terry LeungT. LeungClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
401-2151 McCallum Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 6R6
Phone: 604.853.1918
Wai Man LeungW. LeungClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
200 - 13798 94A Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1N1
Phone: 604.581.2515
Megan LevingsM. LevingsProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute A4-186 950 West 28th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2000
Ext 4686
Richard LewisR. LewisClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
206-135 E 15th. Street North Vancouver, BC V7L 2P7
Phone: 604.980.5141
Yunyuan LiY. LiResearch-AssociatePlastic SurgeryAddress:
ICORD, the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre 4550 818 West 10 Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 1M9
Samuel LichtensteinS. LichtensteinClinical Professor Cardiac SurgeryClinical:
484-1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 1Y6
Peter LimP. LimClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical: BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6Phone: 604.877.6000
Angela LinA. LinClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
Kelowna General Hospital
Mitchell LiuM. LiuClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Jonathan LivergantJ. LivergantClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical
2410 Lee Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5639 Fax: 250.519.5595
Andrea LoA. LoClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Ramesh LokanathanR. LokanathanClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical:
1624 - 7th. Avenue Prince George, BC.
V2L 3P6
Phone:250.561.2700 rameshlokanathan@hotmail.com
Willem LombardW. LombardClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical: 920 Lahakas Blvd. South Kitimat, BC V8C 2S3Phone: 250.632.8671
Neil LongridgeN. LongridgeClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
DHCC, ENT Clinic 4th Floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Clinical: 604.875.4111
Ext 62563
Sarah LordS. LordClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
5171 221A Street Langley, BC
V2Z 1A9
Phone: 604.534.9288 Fax: 604.534.9958
Sarah LucasS. LeeClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
Kelowna General Hospital
Phone: 250.712.3958
Dan LucianiD. LucianiAssociate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute A4-183, 950 W. 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2000
Ext 6170
Jeffrey LudemannJ. LudemannClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
BC Children's Hospital B321-4480 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Phone:604. 875. 2113
Justyn LutfyJ. LutfyClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Unit A - 1101 3rd Street
Castlegar, BC
V1N 2A1
Phone: 250.364.0231
Chad LundC. LundClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-FVCC 13750 96th. Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.2098
Francis LynnF. LynnAssociate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute A4-184, 950 W 28th Avenue Vancouver BC, V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2000
Ext 5426
Roy MaR. MaClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000 rma@bccancer.bc.ca
Sheina MacadamS. MacadamClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
777 W. Broadway Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J7
Phone: 604.876.1688
Jeannie MacDonaldJ. MacDonaldClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
250 Keary Street
New Westminster, BC V3L 5E7
Phone: 604.288.8517
Shaun MacDonald S. MacDonaldClinical ProfessorVascular SurgeryClinical:
Room C318
1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8698
Shawn MacKenzieS. MacKenzieClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
201-301 East Columbia Street, New Westminster BC, V3L 3W5
Phone: 604.970.1096
Jana MacLeodJ.MacLeodAdjunct ProfessorBranch for Global Surgical CareBranch Address:
Room 11135 Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 11th floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Michael MacLeod,M. MacLeodClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3040 Tutt Street Kelowna, BC
V1Y 2H5
Phone: 250.763.2226
Andrea MacNeillA. MacNeillClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5770
Ext 61410
Cailan MacPhersonC. MacPhersonClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Victory General Hospital
Phone: 250.592.4313
Stanley MahS. MahClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
303-2963 Glen Drive Coquitlam, BC V3B 2P7
Phone: 604. 941.8474 Stanley.Mah@fraserhealth.ca
Jyotica SainiJ. SainiSenior Program Assistant, Residency Training ProgramGeneral SurgeryAddress:
Room 11123 11th Floor Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 23115
Samaad MalikS. MalikClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
302-2020 Richmond Road Victoria, BC V8R 6R6
Phone: 250.592.4313 smalik@surg.bc.ca
Arthur MallinsonA. MallinsonClinical Associate ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
DHCC, ENT Clinic 4th Floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Amanda MaloneyA. MaloneyClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
101-8644 120 Street, Surrey, B.C. V3W 3N6
Phone: 604.685.0080 or 778.565.3239
Fax: 778.565.3249
Kristian MalpassK. MalpassClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
299 Victoria Street Prince George, BC V2L 5B8
Phone: 250.563.8568
Christopher Man C. ManClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
102-2620 Commercial Drive Vancouver, BC V5N 4C4
Phone: 604.872.2212
Casey ManareyC. ManareyClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
#611-4980 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 4K7
Phone: 604.433.1599
Mohamed ManjiM. ManjiClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
399 Royal Avenu Kelowna, BC V1Y 5L3
Noah MassaN. MassaClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
#2 - 3705 27 Street Vernon, British Columbia V1T 4X4
Phone: 250.545.5433
Mark MatishakM. MatishakClinical Assistant ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
250 Keary Street New Westminster, BC V3L 5E7
Phone: 604.526.6400
Benjamin MatthewB. MatthewClinical InstructorMember at LargeClinical:
1475 Edmonton Street Prince George, BC V2M 1S2
Phone: 250.565.2000
Susan McdonaldS. McDonaldClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
108 - 9123 Mary Street Chilliwack, BC
V2P 4H7
Phone: 604.795.0332
Andrew McFaddenA. McFaddenClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:Phone: 604.875.5880
Anna McGuireA. McGuireClinical Associate Professor Thoracic SurgeryClinical:
Room 7109
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5290
Colin McInnesC. McInnesClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
233 Nelson’s Crescent New Westminster, BC, V3L 0E4
Phone: 604.515.8847
Email: surgeon@doctorm.ca
Daniel McKee,D. McKeeClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryPhone: 604.434.4211
Michael McKenzieM. McKenzieClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Ext 2380
Elaine McKevittE. McKevittClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Seymour Medical Clinic 1530 West 7th Ave Vancouver, BC V6J 1S3
Phone: 604.739.5612
Adrienne MelckA. MelckClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital Room C303
1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9108
Ext 3
George MelichG. MelichClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
301 East Columbia St. New Westminster, BC
V3L 1A7
Phone: 604.524.2454
Mark MelocheM. MelocheAssociate Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Adam MeneghettiA. MeneghettiAssociate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
5th Floor-2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4498
Steven MeredithS. MeredithClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
321 Nicola Street Kamloops, BC V2C 6G6
Phone: 778.471.5979
Anders MergA MergClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1101 Dewdney Avenue Trail, BC
V1R 4T1
Phone: 250.368.5511
Rizwan MianR. MianClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Suman Kumar Plastic Surgery Group
13737 96 Avenue Surrey, BC
V3V 0C6
Phone: 604.585.6021
Ext 2
Fax: 604.589.6841
Alexandra MihailovicA. MihailovicClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
2020 Richmond Ave Victoria, BC
V8R 6R5
Phone: 250.885.8800
Brian MillerB. MillerClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
3320 Richter Street Kelowna, BC V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.868.4870 Fax: 250.868.9031
Stacy MillerS. MillerClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer - Prince George, 1215 Lethbridge St, Prince George, BC V2M 7E9
Address: 604.851.4710
Islam MohamedI. MohamedClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior
399 Royal Avenue,
Kelowna BC
V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3900
Majid MojibianM. MojibianResearch and Development Project ManagerGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute A4-198 950 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2000
Ext 4602
Jocelyn MooreJ. MooreClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer – Kelowna Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior
399 Royal Avenue
Kelowna BC
V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3958
Fax: 250.712.3911
Rebecca MorleyR. MorleyClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
305-3066 Shelbourne Street Victoria BC
V8R 6T9
Phone: 250.592.5510
Murray MorrisonM. MorrisonProfessor EmeritusOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Sanjay MorzariaS. MorzariaClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
103-8556 120th Street Surrey, BC
V3W 3N5
Phone: 778.565.3239
Mathew MosherM. MosherClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
301-8837 201 Street Langley, BC
V2Y 0C8
Phone: 604.888.9378
Omid MostachfiO. MostachfiClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
333-2453 Beacon Ave Sidney, BC
V8L 1X7
Phone: 250.655.4443
Stephan MostowyS. MostowyClinical Assistant ProfessorVascular-SurgeryClinical:
211-3030 Pandosy Street
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 0C4
Phone: 250.762.7731
Benjamin MouB. MouClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.979.6645
Alice MuiA. MuiAssociate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
Jack Bell Research Centre 2660 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 3Z6
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 62242
Amera MurabitA. MurabitClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
13737 96 Ave
Surrey, BC
V3V 1Z2
Clinical: 604.589.6021
Shahin NabiS. NabiClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
307 – 1200 Lonsdale Ave
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 3H6
Phone: 604.904.4245
David NaysmithD. NaysmithClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
3066 Shelbourne Street
Victoria, BC
V8R 6T9
Phone: 250.592.5510
Philip NelP. NelClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1305 Summit Avenue Prince Rupert, BC V8J 2A6
Phone: 250.622.6299
Rebecca NelsonR. NelsonClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
233 Nelson's Crescent Unit 312 New Westminster, V3L 0E4
Phone: 604.553.0315
Dao NguyenD. NguyenClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
2502 St. Johns Street
Port Moody, BC
V3H 2B4
Phone: 604.931.3312
Nam NguyenN. NguyenClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
207 - 6051 Gilbert Road Richmond, BC
V7C 3V3
Phone: 604.276.0952
Vy NguyenV. NguyenClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
9639 137A Street
Surrey, BC
V3T 0M1
Phone: 604.589.0025
Cuilan NianC. NianLead Research Technician General SurgeryAddress:
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute A4-151 950 West 28th. Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 67475
Alan NicholA. NicholClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Phone:604.877.6046 anichol@bccancer.bc.ca
Michael NikolakisM. NikolakisClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
Royal Inland Hospital 210-300 Columbia St. Kamloops, BC V2C 6L1
Phone: 778.471.6474
Desmond NunezD. NunezProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 4th. Fl.-2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Academic Phone: 604.875.4664
Clinical Phone: 604.875.4645 desmond.nunez@ubc.ca
Robert OlsonR. OlsonProfessor (Partner);
Division Head
Radiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer Agency - Centre for the North 1215 Lethbridge Street Prince George, BC V2M 7E9
Phone: 250.645.7325
David OmahenD. OmahenClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
303-3320 Richter St.
Kelowna BC
V1W 4V5
Phone: 250-763-7241 David.Omahen@interiorhealth.ca
Sharon OngS. OngClinical Associate ProfessorThoracic-SurgeryPhone: 778.735.0230
Fax: 604. 588.5638
Jean OosthuizenJ. OosthuizenClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
517 6th Avenue North
Williams Lake, BC V2G 2G8
Phone: 250.398.8280 Fax: 250.398.8287
Paul OrbanP. OrbanResearch AssociateGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute 950 West 28th. Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4H4
William OrromW. OrromClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
302- 2020 Richmond Road Victoria, BC V8R 6R6
Phone: 250.592.4313
Paul OxleyP. OxleyClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
301-13737 96 Ave Surrey, BC V3V0C6
Phone: 604.589.6021
Kerim OzcanK. OzcanClinical Assistant ProfessorMember at LargeClinical:
4122 15th Ave
Prince George, BC
V2M 1V9
Phone: 250.614.1828
Howard PaiH. PaiClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VICC 2410 Lee Avenue Victoria, BC V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5576
Louis-Philippe PalermeL-P. PalermeClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1669 Victoria Street
Prince George, BC
V2L 2L5
Phone: 250.562.3396
Neely Panton N. PantonClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryPhone: 604.875.5790
Jin-Si PaoJ.PaoClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
4610 Main Street Vancouver BC
V5V 3R7
Phone: 604.559.8811
Anthony PappA. PappClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical: Vancouver General Hospital, JPP 2 899 W. 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.4084
Scott PaquetteS. PaquetteClinical ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
Blusson Spinal Cord Centre 818 West 10th Ave. Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L7
Phone: 604.875.5562
Jeffrey PasenauJ. PasenauClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical:
211-3030 Pandosy St,
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 0C4
Phone: 250.762.7731
Irvin PathakI. PathakClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
403-2020 Richmond Ave. Victoria, BC
V8R 6R5
Phone: 250.595.5033
John PeachellJ. PeachellClinical InstructorMember at Large
Michael PeacockM. PeacockClinical Assistant Professor
Postgraduate Education Director
Radiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer Agency
Phone: 604.877.6000
Ext 2660
Norgrove PennyN. PennyAdjunct ProfessorBranch for Global Surgical CareBranch Address:
Room 11135 Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 11th floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Brian PetersonB. PetersonClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
401 - 3320 Richter Street Kelowna, BC V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.868.9099
David PetrikD. PetrikClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3900
Michael PezimM. PezimClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
30-3195 Granville Street Vancouver, BC
V6H 3K2
Phone: 604.644.6850
Terry PhangT. PhangProfessor
Postgraduate Education Director, Colorectal Surgery
General SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8711
Tom PicklesT. PicklesProfessor EmeritusRadiation Oncology
Hannah PiperH. PiperAssociate Professor, Partner; Head, Division of Pediatric SurgeryPediatric SurgeryClinical:
4480 Oak Street Ambulatory Care Building Room K0-134 Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4
Email: hannah.piper@cw.bc.ca
Dan PoenaruD. PoenaruAdjunct ProfessorBranch for Global Surgical CareBranch Address:
Room 11135 Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 11th floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Liana PolsinelliL. PolsinelliSenior Program AssistantThoracic Surgery
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
486-Burrard Building St. Paul's Hospital 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9307
Email: liana.polsinelli@ubc.ca
Ahmad PoostizadehA. PoostizadehClinical Associate ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
Kelowna General Hospital
2178 Pandosy Street, Kelowna, BC
V1Y 1S8
Phone: 250.862.4336
Bruce PovahB. PovahClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
3330 Richter St. Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.861.5578
Joel PriceJ. PriceClinical Associate ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
1081 Burrard St Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Jennifer PrinceJ. PrinceClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
319 - 13710 94A Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1N1
Phone: 604.589.6021
Eitan PrismanE. PrismanClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 4th. Fl. 4299B-2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4126
Karim QayumiK. QayumiProfessorCardiac Surgerykarim.qayumi@ubc.ca
Rasika RajapaksheR. D. RajapaksheClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3915
Linda RammageL. RammageClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryPhone: (604) 875-4204 Fax: (604) 875-4625 lira@mail.ubc.ca
Manoj RavalM. J. RavalClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital C313-1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8711
Hamid RazieeH. RazieeClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical Office Address: 13750 96th Avenue, Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2Phone: 604.930.4033
Magdalena RecskyM. RecskyClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
203-3040 Tutt St, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2H5, Canada
Phone: 250-763-2226 ext 5
Gary RedekopG. RedekopHead, Department of SurgeryNeurosurgeryAcademic:
Room 11151 11th Floor Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 11th floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9

Clinical: Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 8113 – 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Academic: 604.875.4111
Ext 23121
Clinical: 604.875.5235 gary.redekop@vch.ca
Melanie ReedM. J. ReedClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior 399 Royal Avenue, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3900
Glenn RegehrG. RegehrProfessor EmeritusGeneral Surgeryglenn.regehr@ubc.ca
John ReidJReidClinical ProfessorVascular SurgeryClinical:
350 - 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604. 806. 8575
Owen ReidO. G. ReidClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Richmond General Hospital Coastal Plastic Surgery 201-6051 Gilbert Road, Richmond, BC V7C 3V3
Phone: 604.273.1034
Richard ReidR. ReidClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical: PO Box 202
Brentwood Bay, BC
V8M 1R3
Phone: 250.383.4430
Andrew RemillardA. RemillardClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical: 112-255 6TH St, Courtenay, BC, V9N 1L9
Nicole RobbinsN. RobbinsClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
545 Front St, Quesnel BC V2J 2K7, Canada
Phone: (250) 985-5521
Email: nicole.robbins@northernhealth.ca
Crystal RobertsonC. Robertson Senior Administrative & Research AssistantGeneral SurgeryAddress:
460 - 828 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L8
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 62474
Daniel RobiboD. A. RobiboClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
200 - 4515 Harvest Drive Delta, BC V4K 4L1
Clinical: 604.940.2193
Jennifer RobinsonJ. W. RobinsonClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
305-1625 Oak Bay Avenue Victoria, BC V8R 1B1
Clinical: 250.590.7097
Email: jennifer.w.robinson@ubc.ca
James RoseJ. RoseClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer Agency 32900 Marshall Rd Abbotsford, BC V2S 0C2
Phone: 604.851.4743
Blair Rudston-BrownB. Rudston-BrownClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
104-1629 Townsite Road Nanaimo, BC V9S 1N3
Phone: 250.753.5319
Erik SaettlerE. SaettlerClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3106 Gibbons Road Duncan, BC V9L 1E8
Phone: 250.737.4020
Ramesh SahjpaulR. SahjpaulClinical Associate ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
405-125 East 13th, Ave. North Vancouver, BC V7L 2L3
Phone: 604.904.7467 ramesh.sahjpaul@vch.ca
Sharadh SampathS. SampathClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
6091 Gilbert Road, Richmond, BC
V7C 5L9
Phone: 604.276.0952
John SamphireJ. SamphireClinical InstructorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
309 - 2020 Richmond Road Victoria, BC V8R 6R5
Phone: 250.595.2820
David SandenW. D. SandenClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1834 Breakenridge Court, Kamloops BC V2E 1W9
Phone: 250.314.0067
Bethany SaundersB. SaundersDirector of Administration Department of SurgeryAddress:
Room 11127 11th Floor Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 23101
Karen SavageK. SavageSenior Administrative Assistant and Undergraduate Program Assistant, Division of OtolaryngologyOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 4th floor 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4664 karen.savage@ubc.ca
Mark SawatzkyM. E. C. SawatzkyClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
101-550 Carmi Ave Penticton, BC, V2A 3G6
Phone: 250.493.3633
Devin SchellenbergD. D. SchellenbergClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-FVCC 13750 96th. Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.4085
Joan SchembriJ. SchembriSenior Administrative Assistant General SurgeryAddress:
St. Paul's Hospital C308-1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8046
Johannes SchneiderJ. S.J. SchneiderClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Shuswap Lake General Hospital 103-571 6. Street NE Salmon Arm, BC V1E 1R6
Phone: 250.832.2006
Nathan SchneidereitN. P. SchneidereitClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1165 Dufferin Crescent Nanaimo, BC, Canada, V9S 2B5
Phone: 250.754.3315
Bernie SchopfB. SchopfClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3 -2168 McCallum Road Abbotsford, BC
V2S 6R6
Phone: 604.854.5312
Costas SchulzeC. SchulzeClinical InstructorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
Kelowna General Hospital
2nd Floor
2251 Pandosy Street Kelowna, BC
V1Y 1T1
Phone: 250.862.4300
Paul SchumacherP. A. SchumacherClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Trail Health Centre, 306-1101 Dewdney Ave, Trail BC V1R 4T1
Phone: 250.364.1188
Dietrich SchwarzD. W. F. SchwarzProfessor EmeritusOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Richard SchwarzR. SchwarzClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
207-9181 Main Street Chilliwack, BC V2P 4M9
Phone: 604.792.9338
Tracy ScottT. M. ScottClinical Associate Professor
Postgraduate Education Co-Director,
General SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital,
Rm C303-1081 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9108
Charles ScudamoreC. H. ScudamoreAssociate Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Alexander SealA. SealClinical Assistant Professor
Postgraduate Education Director
Plastic SurgeryClinical:
138 Davie Street Vancouver, BC
V6Z 2V4
Phone: 604.569.2895
Andrew SealA. SealAssociate Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Jean SegalJ. SegalClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
4515 Harvest Drive Delta, BC
V4K 4L1
Phone: 604.940.2177
Maja SegediM. SegediClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
5th floor
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.8232
Negin ShahidN. ShahidClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
2410 Lee Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5580
Luiza ShamkulovaL. ShamkulovaEducation Program ManagerGeneral SurgeryAddress:
Room 11125
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604. 875. 4111
Ext 23105
Mohammad SharifM. SharifClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
300-9656 King George Hwy Surrey, BC V3T 2V5
Phone: 604.588.1144
Sue SidhuS. SidhuClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
210-245 Columbia Street E. New Westminster, BC V3L 3W4
Phone: 604.522.7737
Parm SidhuP. SidhuAdministrative CoordinatorPlastic SurgeryAddress:
Vancouver General Hospital 2nd Floor, JPPS 855 West 12th. Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4084
Email: paramjit.sidhu6@vch.ca
Ravi SidhuR. SidhuAssociate ProfessorVascular SurgeryClinical:
Room C318,
Burrard Bldg,
1081 Burrard St
Vancouver BC
V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8698
Email: rssidhu@providencehealth.bc.ca
Sheena SikoraS. SikoraClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
401-3320 Richter Street Kelowna, BC V1W 5J9
Phone: 250-860-4302 Fax: 250-868-9031
Gertjan SimonsG. SimonsClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
13-1617 Baker St Cranbrook, BC
V1C 1B4
Richard SimonsR. SimonsProfessor EmeritusGeneral SurgeryEmail: richard.simons@vch.ca
Erik SkarsgardE. SkarsgardProfessorPediatric SurgeryClinical:
K0-123 ACB - 4480 Oak St. Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.3744

Peter SkarsgardP. SkarsgardClinical Associate ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6L 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9307
Email: pskarsgard@providencehealth.bc.ca
Jenni SmithJ. SmithClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
168 East 13 St
North Vancouver BC V7L 4W8
Phone: 604.929.2990
Sally SmithS. SmithClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
2410 Lee Ave
Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5576
Galina SoukhatchevaG. SoukhatchevaLead Research Assistant TechnicianGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute A4-130 950 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.3792
Ingrid SpadingerI. SpadingerClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Email: ispading@bccancer.bc.ca
Madeleine SpeckM. SpeckResearch Assistant TechnicianGeneral Surgery
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute
BC Children's Hospital Research Institute A4-151 Bay 20-21, 950 West 28th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4H4
Email: madeleine.speck@ubc.ca
Paul SteinbokP. SteinbokProfessor EmeritusNeurosurgery
Harvey StreckerH. StreckerClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
212-1676 Martin Drive White Rock, BC V4A 6E7
Phone: 604.538.5524
Email: drstrecker@telus.net
Barry SullivanB. SullivanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
203 - 3040 Tutt Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2H5
Phone: 250.763.2226
John SunJ. SunClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
Unit 106 - 1411 Cook Street, Victoria, BC V8V 0E8
Phone: 250.391.7850
Michelle Sutter M. SutterClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1669 Victoria St
Prince George, BC
V2L 2L5
Phone: 250.562. 3151
Miroslav SvetikM. SvetikResearch Coordinator ClinicalCardiac SurgeryAddress:
Room 486
1081 Burrard St
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9981
Todd SwansonT. SwansonClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
13710 94A Ave
Surrey BC
V3V 1N1
Phone: 604.588.8366
Jacek SzudekJ. SzudekClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
Vernon ENT - Head & Neck Surgery 202-5100 Anderson Way Vernon, BC V1T 9V2
Mandeep TamberM. TamberAssistant Professor, Associate Head, Division of NeurosurgeryNeurosurgeryClinical:
4480 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.2094
Fax: 604.875.3109
Email: mandeep.tamber@cw.bc.ca
Abram TavesA. TavesClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#3107 35 Ave
Vernon, BC
V1T 2T2
Phone: 250.545.6443
Chris TaylorC. TaylorClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
#301 625 Oak Bay Ave Victoria BC
V8R 1B1
Phone: 250.595.6009
David TaylorD.. TaylorAssociate ProfessorVascular-SurgeryClinical:
Room 4213
2775 Laurel St Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5540
Email: david.taylor@ubc.ca
Andrew ThambooA. ThambooClinical Associate ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
1081 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1Y6
Steven ThomasS. ThomasClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Ave Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Ext 672024
Chee ThongC. ThongClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
#809, 805 West Broadway Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1K1
Phone: 604.872.4566
Corey TomlinsonC. TomlinsonClinical InstructorGeneral Surgery
Eric TranE. TranClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10 Ave Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Pauline TruongP. TruongClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
2410 Lee Ave
Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5576
André TruterA. TruterClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
9717 Third Street Sidney, BC
V8L 3A3
Phone: 250.656-8121
Vance TsaiV. C. TsaiClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
2051 McCallum Rd Abbotsford, BC
V2S 3N5
Phone: 604.864.0747
Email: vance.tsai@ubc.ca
Victor TsangV. T. L. TsangClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#250, 809 West 41Ave Vancouver, BC
V5Z 2N6
Phone: 604.261.2064
Email: moa.vtsang@gmail.com
Panagiotis TsaparasP. Y. TsaparasClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
#222, 601 6th Street
New Westminster, BC V3L 3C1
Phone: 604.521.5301
Andrew TungA. TungClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
#201, 250 Keary St
New Westminster
BC V3L 5E7
Phone: 778.724.1337
Ian TurnbullIan TurnbullAssociate Professor EmeritusNeurosurgery
Frank TyersF. TyersProfessor EmeritusCardiac Surgery
Scott TyldesleyS. TyldesleyClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10 Ave Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Email: styldesl@bccancer.bc.ca
Hanif UkaniH. UkaniClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
#201, 2502 St. Johns St Port Moody, BC
V3H 2B4
Phone: 604.931.1893

Boris ValevB. ValevClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer – Victoria, 2410 Lee Avenue, Victoria, BC V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.645.7325
Isabelle VallieresI. VallieresClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
2410 Lee Avenue Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5576
Stan ValnicekS. ValnicekClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
401-3320 Richter St Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.860.4554
Nancy Van LaekenN. van LaekenClinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1111 West Georgia St Vancouver, BC V6E 4M3
Phone: 604.669.1633
Marilyn VanderputtenM. VanderputtenClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3106 Gibbins Road Duncan BC
V9L 1E8
Phone: 250.737.1020
Danilo VargasD. VargasClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
9656 King George Boulevard
Surrey, BC
V3T 2V5
Phone: 604.498.2000
Bruce VerchereC. B. VerchereProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
950 West 28 Ave Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2490
Email: bverchere@bcchr.ca
Elena VikisE. A. T. VikisClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
301 East Columbia St New Westminster, BC
Phone: 604. 524.2454
David VoducK. D. VoducClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10 Ave Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Lan Huu VuL.H. VuClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#305 5171 221A St Langley, BC
V2Y 0A2
Phone: 604.534.9288
Elaine WaiE. S.S. WaiClinical Professor, Senior Executive Director for BC Cancer - VancouverRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC, V5Z 4E6
Phone: 250.519.5639
Email: ewai@bccancer.bc.ca
Thomas WallaceT. M. WallaceClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
#400, 321 Nicola St Kamloops, BC
V2C 6G6
Phone: 250.828.2848
Calvin WanC. K. N. WanClinical Associate ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
2178 Pandosy St Kelowna, BC
V1Y 1S8
Phone: 250.862.4336
Gilbert WanklingG. B. WanklingClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
2473 Ridgeview Dr Prince George, BC
V2K 4B2
Email: gibandjo@shaw.ca
Rebecca WarburtonR. WarburtonClinical Associate Professor; Program Co-Director, Postgraduate Education, Division of General SurgeryGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1530 West 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1S3
Phone: 604.738.2151
David WardD. WardClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
202-14439 104th Ave Surrey, BC V3R 1M1
Garth WarnockG. L. WarnockProfessor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Daniel WarrenD. WarrenClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
106-1411 Cook St, Victoria, BC, V8V 0E8
Phone: 778-265-6677
Richard WarrenR. Warren Clinical ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1000-777 West Broadway Str. Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J7
Phone: 604.876.1774
Robyn WattsR. WattsClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
201-6051 Gilbert Road Richmond, BC V7C 3V3
Phone: 604.273.1034
Eric WebberE. WebberAssociate ProfessorPediatric SurgeryClinical:
K0-123 ACB - 4480 Oak St. Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Lorna WeirL. WeirClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Ext 2665
Neil WellsN. WellsClinical Associate ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
138 Davie Street Vancouver, BC
V6Z 2V4
Phone: 604.688.8568
Chuck WenC. WenClinical InstructorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
Unit 501
13737 96 avenue Surrey, BC V3V 0C6
Brian WesterbergB. WesterbergClinical Professor, Division HeadOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
ENT clinic - Providence 2 St. Paul's Hospital 1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8540
Email: BWesterberg@providencehealth.bc.ca
Colin WhiteC. WhiteClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical
505-4885 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4T2
David WilliamsonD. WilliamsonClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
3320 Richter Street Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.868.8696
Scott WilliamsonJ. S. WilliamsonClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
3320 Richter Street Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5
Phone: 250.763.7846
Don WilsonD. C. WilsonClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-FVCC 13750 96th. Avenue Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.4085
Heather WilsonH. WilsonClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
203-3040 Tutt Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2H5
Phone: 250.763.2226
Kevin WisemanK. WisemanClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3107 35th. Avenue Vernon, BC V1T 2T2
Phone: 250.545.6443
Sam WisemanS. WisemanProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital C303-1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9108
Dana WongD. WongClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
1515 Dufferin Crescent Nanaimo, BC
V9S 5H6
Phone: 250.735.2142
Daniel WongD. WongClinical ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
Royal Columbian Hospital 330 East Columbia Street New Westminster, BC V3L 3W7
Phone: 604.522.6800
David WongD. WongClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
230-7031 Westminster Hwy. Richmond, BC V6X 1A3
Phone: 604.273.2928
Lillian WongL. WongClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
200-6091 Gilbert Road Richmond, BC V7C 5L9
Phone: 604.276.2336
Emile WooE. WooClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
200-1530 West 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC, V6J 1S3
Phone: 604.739.5612
Leanne WoodL. WoodClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
B-191 Dogwood Street
Campbell River, BC
V9W 6B9
Phone: 250.895.0923
Fax: 1.888.351.2936
Jeremy WoodhamJ.WoodhamClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital
2. 2600-1081 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8353
Robin WoodheadR. WoodheadClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
206-4515 Harvest Drive Delta, BC
V4K 4L1
Phone: 604.946.6500
Bella WuB. WuClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
6091 Gilbert Rd Richmond, BC V7C 5L9
Jonn WuJ. WuClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-VCC 600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Allison YeA. YeClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BCCA-CN 1215 Lethbridge Street Prince George, BC V2M 7E9
Phone: 250.645.7335
Jian YeJ. YeClinical ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital 489B-1081 Burrard Street Vancouver B.C. V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.9349
John YeeJ. YeeAssociate Professor Division HeadThoracic SurgeryClinical:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 7115-2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Ekua YorkeE. YorkeClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
6051 Gilbert Road Richmond, BC
V7C 3V3
Phone: 604.276.0952
Ritchie YoungerR. A. L. YoungerClinical ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
2025 West Broadway Vancouver BC
V6J 1Z6
Phone: 604.738.3223 info@youngerface.com
Jorga ZabojovaJ. ZabojovaClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
305-1625 Oak Bay Ave Victoria, BC, V8R 1B1
Phone: 250.940.5055
Eiman ZargaranE. ZargaranClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryPhone: 604.924.9785
Fax: 604.924.8145
Siham ZerhouniS. ZerhouniClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryUnit 104
775 McGill Road
Kamloops, BC
V2C 0B9
Phone: 778.471.8266
Francis ZihF. ZihClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
506 - 9639 137A Street
Surrey, BC V3T 0M1
Phone: 778.776.3399
Christopher ZrobackC. ZrobackClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
207-9181 Main St Chilliwack, BC
V2P 4M9
Thomas ZwimpferT. ZwimpferClinical ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical:
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
Room 8109
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5747 thomas.zwimpfer@ubc.ca
Maryam DosaniM. DosaniClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
BC Cancer Victoria, 2410 Lee Ave,
Victoria, BC V8R 6V5
Jon DautremontJ. DautremontClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
#401-2755 Tutt Street, Kelowna, BC
V1Y 0G1
Jong Moo (Steve) KimJ. KimClinical InstructorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
St. Paul's Hospital
487A-1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Ross HortonR. HortonClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
#505-4885 Kingsway,
V5H 4T2
Heather StuartH. StuartClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
2775 Laurel Street, 5th Floor, Room 5199
Vancouver BC , V5Z 1M9
Anali DadgostarA. DadgostarClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
#201 - 7031 Westminster Hwy
Richmond, BC V6X 1A3
Christopher DohertyC.DohertyClinical Associate Professor
MD Undergraduate Education Director
Plastic SurgeryClinical:
2775 Laurel Street
3rd Floor, Plastic Surgery
Vancouver, BC
Jonathan MisskeyJ.MisskeyClinical Assistant Professor;
Postgraduate Education Director;
Program Director, Surgical Foundations
Vascular SurgeryClinical:
4219 - 2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Danielle PietramalaDanielle PietramalaResearch Assistant Technician, Honey LaboratoryNeurosurgeryAddress:
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
2775 Laurel Street
Room 8108
Vancouver BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 69584
Valerie Hurdle

V. HurdleClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
#301 - 520 St Paul Street
Kamloops, BC
V2C 2J9
Anastassi HalkaA. HalkaClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Suite 101 – 707 Canada Games Way
Prince George, BC
V2L 0C5
Phone: 250. 561.7224
Fax: 250.561.2564
Cecily JonkerC. JonkerClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
321 Nicola St
Kamloops, BC
V2C 6G6
Phone:250. 828.2848
Pierre Olivier DionneP. DionneClinical InstructorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
310-233 Nelson’s Crescent
New Westminster, BC V3L 0E4
Phone: 604. 522. 6800
Sepehr KhorasaniS. KhorasaniClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
C313-1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806.8860
Fax: 604.806.9604
Henry JiangH. JiangClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Unit 30, 1270 Dogwood Street
Campbell River BC
V9W 3A4
Phone: 250.286.7100
Mohammadali KhorasaniM.KhorasaniClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
302-2020 Richmond Rd.
Victoria, BC, V8R 6R5
Phone: 250.592.4313
Fax: 250.592.5020
Michelle BoschM. BoschClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
4634 Park Avenue, 5th Floor suite
Terrace, BC
V8G 1V7
Phone: 778 634 2176
Fax: 778 634 2003
Jill StoneJ. StoneClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1125 Dufferin Crescent
Nanaimo, BC, V9S 2B5
Phone: 250.755.1005
Christine KurzC. KurzClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
101-707 Canada Games Way
Prince George, BC, V2L 0C5
Phone: 250.561.7224
Leith DewarL. DewarClinical InstructorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
Room 7115-2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5833
Ext 3
Jean Philip DaweJ. DaweClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
855 12th Ave W
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5094
Hossein ShayanH. ShayanClinical Associate ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
310 - 233 Nelson's Crescent
New Westminster, British Columiba
V3L 0E4
Denise (Tami) YamashitaD. YamashitaClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
202-1945 McCallum Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2S 3N2
Phone: 604. 250. 5109
Fax: 604. 930. 8156
Imran RatanshiI. RatanshiClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
The Plastic Surgery Group at City Centre
Suite 301 - 13737 96 Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3V 0C6
Phone: 604. 589. 6021 Ext 6
Fax: 604. 589. 6841
Mina FereidouniM. FereidouniClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Suite #108,
9123 Mary Street Chilliwack, BC
V2P 4H7
Phone: 604.391.2005
Fax: 604.393.9669
Alexis PorteA. PorteClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Suite 101,
550 Carmi Avenue
Penticton, BC
V2A 3G6
Phone: 250.493.7750
Fax: 250.493.9166
Saibishkumar Elantholi ParameswaranS. Elantholi Parameswaran Clinical Assistant Professor Radiation OncologyClinical:
2410 Lee Avenue Victoria, BC V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5580
Mark FeltonM.FeltonClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
4480 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.3730
Waseem SharieffW. SharieffClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
32900 Marshall Rd
Abbotsford, BC, V2S 0C2
Phone: 604.851.4700
Fax: 604.851.4726
Serge MakarenkoS. MakarenkoClinical Assistant Professor, MD Education DirectorNeurosurgeryClinical:
8123 - 2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5235
Haley ClarkH. ClarkClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
13750 96 Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.4011
Jenny SalvatierraJ. SalvatierraSenior Administrative AssistantVascular SurgeryAddress:
Room 11115 11th floor Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center 2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111 Ext 23111
Email: jenny.salvatierra@ubc.ca
Shahrzad JoharifardS. JoharifardClinical Associate ProfessorPediatric SurgeryClinical:
Room K0-110, Ambulatory Care Building
4480 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.2345
Amandeep (Anu) GhumanA. GhumanClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Room C313,
1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1Y6
Phone: 604.806. 8860
Fax: 604.806.9604
Roderick PurznerR. PurznerClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1165 Dufferin Cres
Nanaimo, BC
V9S 2B5
Phone: 250.754.3384
Tiffany ChanT. ChanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
101-250 Dogwood St
Campbell River, BC
Phone: 250.850.1104
Erin MartinE. MartinClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
410 - 299 Victoria St, Prince George, BC
V2L 5B8
Phone: 250.612.0867
Leslie LeungL. LeungClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
350-13700 International Place
Richmond, BC
V6V 2X8
Tina ZhangT. ZhangClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation Oncology
Michael HorkoffM. HorkoffClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical: Phone: 250.545.6443
Peter StefanutoP. StefanutoClinical InstructorMember at LargeClinical:
Apex Surgical Centre for Oral and Facial Surgery
755 McGill Rd Ste 206,
Kamloops, BC
V2C, 0B6
Matthew HearnM. HearnClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
202-3330 Richter St,
Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5
Yizhou ZhaoY. ZhaoClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
13750 96 Avenue
Surrey, BC
V3V 1Z2
Ronak RahmanianR. RahmanianClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
ENT Clinic
BC Children’s Hospital
4480 Oak Street,
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3C4
Matthew ChanM. ChanClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Zurab IvanishviliZ. IvanishviliClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
208-301 Columbia St,
New Westminster, BC
V3L 3W5

Maha AlmahmudiM. AlmahmudiClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
Abbotsford Centre, BC Cancer Agency
32900 Marshall Rd Abbotsford, BC
V2S 0C2
Scott MartynaS. MartynaClinical InstructorMember at LargeClinical:
2755 Tutt Street
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 0G1
Phone: 778.484.7275
Fax: 778.484.7276
Bryan J. WellsB. WellsClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1621 Dufferin Crescent
Nanaimo, BC
V9S 5T4
Phone: 250.755.9802
Gary YangG. YangClinical Assistant ProfessorVascular SurgeryClinical:
211-3030 Pandosy Street
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 0C4
Phone: 250.762.7731
Fax: 250.762.7502
Andrew BangA. BangClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 10TH Ave West
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Jeremy DunnJ. DunnClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical:
Suite 208
301 East Columbia Street
New Westminster, BC
V3L 3W5
Phone: 604.544.8040
Fax: 604.553.0480
Harold Van Der MerweH. Van Der MerweClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Suite 500
4634 Park Ave
Terrace, BC
V8G 1V7
Phone: 250.615.5060
Fax: 855.554.1372
Daniel MendelsohnD. MendelsohnClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
Suite 340
138 13th Street E,
Vancouver, BC
V7L 0E5
Phone: 604.987.7085
Fax: 604.987.1534
Roderick T. ChewR. ChewClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Suite 100
145 W 15th Street
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 1R9
Phone: 778.340.2662
Fax 604.559.9997
Jake HiebertJ. HiebertClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
321 Nicola Street
Kamloops, BC
V2G 6G6
Sin Huey CheahS. CheahClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
1621 Dufferin Crescent Nanaimo, BC
V9S 5T4
Stephanie Chartier-PlanteS. Chartier-PlanteClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
2775 Laurel Street
Fifth Floor
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Rachel BartonR. BartonClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3106 Gibbins Road
Duncan, BC
V9L 1E8
Adelyn HoA. HoClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Coastal Plastic Surgery
6051 Gilbert Road
Richmond, BC
V7C 3V3
Debbie LiD.LiClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
9639 137A Street,
Surrey, BC
V3T 0M1
Sita OllekS.OllekClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3040 Tutt Street, Kelowna, BC
V1Y 2H5
Andrew VersolattoA.VersolattoClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
4634 Park Avenue
Terrace, BC
V8G 1V7
Daniel DutaD.DutaClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
3106 Gibbins Road, Duncan, BC
V9L 1E8
Travis SchroederT. SchroederClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
13-1617 Baker St, Cranbrook BC, V1C 1B4
Valeria KolesovaV. KolesovaAdministration and Research CoordinatorDepartment of SurgeryAddress:
Room 11133
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111 * 23121
Email: valeria.kolesova@ubc.ca
Joyce XuJ. XuResearch TechnicianGeneral SurgeryAddress:
VGH Research Pavilion
828 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L8
Phone: 604.875.4111 * 62486
Email: Huizhi.xu@ubc.ca
Reyhaneh AbgoonR. AbgoonResearch TechnicianOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
2775 Laurel Street
Room 4287
Vancouver BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111 *
Email: reyhaneh.abgoon@ubc.ca
Ash SinghalA. SinghalClinical Associate Professor
Postgraduate Education Director
Room K3-159,
BC Children’s Hospital
4480 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4

Phone: 604.875.2094
Fax: 604.875.3109
Samantha LloydS. LloydClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Tianyi LiuT.LiuClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Suite 1120- 777 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J7

Phone: 236-466-0775
Hosam KaderH. KaderClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
2410 Lee Ave
Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250.519.5572
Jason ParkJ.ParkClinical Professor; Head, Division of General Surgery; Program Director, Postgraduate Education, General Surgery OncologyGeneral SurgeryClinical
2775 Laurel Street, Room 5199, Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.5770
Email: jason.park1@vch.ca
Oleksandr ButskiyO.ButskiyClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical:
5050 Kingsway Street
Burnaby, BC
V5H 4H2
Phone: 778.945.2959
Rolf Denis MorrisR. MorrisClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Suite 207D
575 16th Street, West Vancouver
V7V 4Y1
Phone: 604.922.7234
Mark BigderM. BidgerClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryClinical:
Suite 311
301 Columbia St East
New Westminster
V3L 3W5
Phone: 604.553.4705
Jennifer KlokJ. KlokClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
Suite 210
1555 Marine Drive
West Vancouver, BC
V7V 1H9
Phone: 604.281.3866
Kevin LichtensteinK. LichtensteinClinical Assistant ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
Room 490A
1081 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 1Y6
Email: klichtenstein@providencehealth.bc.ca
Nasim AbediN.AbediClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1133 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2H4
Robert DaleR. DaleClinical InstructorMember at LargeClinical:
PO Box 38126
Morgan Heights PO
Surrey, BC
V3Z 6R3
Phone: 604.431.4211
Jessica ChanJ. ChanClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604.877.6000
Dylan NarinesinghD. NarinesinghClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
13750 96 Ave
Surrey, BC
V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.4085
Jack ZhengJ. ZhengClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
32900 Marshall Road Abbotsford, BC
V2S 0C2
Phone: 1.877.547.3777 * 644742
Vivian FungV. FungResearch ManagerGeneral Surgery
Levings Lab
Room A4-102
950 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2000 *4602
Email: vfung@bcchr.ca
Will JiangW. JiangClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
13750 96 Ave
Surrey, BC
V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604.930.2098
Brandon McGuinnessB. McGuinnessClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical:
1120 Yates Street
Victoria, BC
V8V 3M9
Phone: 250.220.2595
Laura CallanL. CallanClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
399 Royal Ave
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250.712.3979
Faizal HajiF. HajiAssistant Professor; Graduate Program Advisor, Branch for Global Surgical Care NeurosurgeryClinical:
Rm K3-159
BC Children’s Hospital
4480 Oak St
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.2094
Chen LiC. LiResearch CoordinatorGeneral Surgery
950 West 28th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4H4
Email: Email: chen.li@bcchr.ca
Iwa KongI. KongClinical Associate ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 10th Avenue West Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Adrian FungA. FungClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryClinical:
3001 Tutt Street
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 2H4
Nazgol SeyednejadN. SeyednejadClinical Instructor
Associate Director, Undergraduate Surgical Education
Thoracic SurgeryClinical:
1373 96 Avenue
Surrey, BC
V3V 0C6
Sydney HammondS. HammondClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
571 6th Street NE
Salmon Arm, BC
V1E 1R6
David TangD. TangClinical Associate ProfessorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Abigail ShuA, ShuClinical InstructorMember at LargeClinical:
330 Columbia St E, New Westminster, BC
V3L 3W7
Rohit SingalR. SingalClinical Associate ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical:
2020 Richmond Road
Victoria, BC
V8R 6R5
John HwangJ. HwangClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
7th Floor
220 Brew Street
Port Moody, BC
V3H 0H6
Jordan WongJ. WongClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical:
2140 Lee Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Kristin DeGirolamo K. DeGirolamoClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Unit 3
2168 McCallum Road
Abbotsford, BC
V2S 6R6
Gordon BuduhanG. BuduhanClinical Associate ProfessorThoracic SurgeryClinical:
Unit 201
2903 Pandosy Street Kelowna, BC
V1Y 1W1
Kathleen GarberK. GarberClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
6935 Harvie Ave
Powell River, BC
V8A 5H6
Elisa ChanE. ChanClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical:
600 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4E6
Edward LiuE. LiuClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical:
1125 Dufferin Cres,
Nanaimo, BC
V9S 2V5
Phone: 250.244.8448
Gavin TansleyG. TansleyClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical:
Room 2452
855 West 12th Ave, Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Lorna LeonL. LeonResearch Assistant TechnicianGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Rm A4-186
950 West 28th Ave Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604.875.2000 * 4602
Email: Lorna.Leon@bcchr.ca
Sonja MurchisonS. MurchisonClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress:
2410 Lee Ave,
Victoria, BC
V8R 6V5
Phone: 250. 519.5500
Matthew RobinsonM. RobinsonClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryAddress:
1120 Yates Street
Victoria, BC
BC, V8V 3M9
Phone: 250.298.1170
Evan JostE. JostClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
104-775 McGill Rd,
Kamloops, BC, V2C 0B8

Phone: 778-471-8266
James SaundersJ. SaundersClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress:
1133 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2H4
Phone: 604.802.4263
Kanwal KumarK. KumarClinical Assistant ProfessorCardiac SurgeryAddress:
2020 Richmond Road, Victoria, BC
V8R 6R5
Phone: 250. 595.1833
Husain KhambatiH. KhambatiClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryAddress:
5171 221A Street
Langley, BC
V2T 0A2
Phone: 604.534.7515
Corey Ming-LumC. Ming-LumClinical InstructorMember at LargeAddress:
507 West Broadway Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1E6
Phone: 604.568.7112
Saoussen SalhiS. SalhiClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryAddress:
4480 Oak Street Vancouver, BC
V6H 3V4
Phone: 604.875.3758
Antonio MenezesA. MenezesClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
5665 Teredo Street Sechelt, BC
V7Z 0J2
Phone: 604.741.9200
Michael ChatenayM. ChatenayClinical Associate ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
9123 Mary Street Chilliwack, BC
V2P 4H7
Phone: 604.792.8099
Meena AmlaniM. AmlaniProject Manager, Global Surgery LabGeneral SurgeryAddress:
2775 Laurel St., DHCC 11th Floor, Room 11132
Email: meena.amlani@ubc.ca
Hannah Schoenroth H. Schoenroth Research Assistant Technician NeurosurgeryAddress: 5560-855 West 12th Avenue, Tower 5.A, Vancouver, BC Canada, V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.4111 ext. 62560 Email: hannah.schoenroth@ubc.ca
David ChenD. ChenResearch Assistant Technician NeurosurgeryAddress: 5560-855 West 12th Avenue, Tower 5.A, Vancouver, BC Canada, V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.4111 ext. 61505 Email: David.W.Chen@ubc.ca
Mohammed Al AklabiM. Al AklabiClinical ProfessorCardiac SurgeryAddress: BC Children’s hospital
4500 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1
Warwick Lorne BrownW. L. BrownClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress: #830 6091 Gilbert Road, Richmond BC V7C 5L9
Shivani SharmaS. SharmaSenior Administrative Assistant Plastic SurgeryAddress: VGH JPPS - Room 2716, 855 West 12th Ave, Vancouver, BCPhone: 604.875.4969 Email: s.sharma@ubc.ca
Khanh Linh Tran K. L. TranSoftware Developer, Prisman LabOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress: DHCC, 2775 Laurel St., V5Z 1M9, 4th Floor – ENT ClinicEmail: linh.tran@ubc.ca
Uyanga Ganbat U. Ganbat Clinical Fellow Administrative Assistant General Surgery Address: Diamond Healthcare Centre, Room 11125, 2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver British Columbia, V5Z 1M9Phone: 604.875.4111 ext. 23068
Email: uyanga.ganbat@ubc.ca
Nicholas JanuszN. Janusz Clinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
201-520 St Paul St, Kamloops, BC
V2C 2J9
Harman ParharH. Parhar Clinical Assistant Professor; Program Director, Postgraduate Education, Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
St. Paul's Hospital ENT Clinic, Providence 2, 1081 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6, Canada
Clinical Office Phone: 604-806-9075
Pawel MakarewiczP. Makarewicz Clinical InstructorGeneral Surgery Address:
6935 Harvie Ave, Powell River, BC
V8A 5H9
Mostafa Fatehi HassanabadM. F. Hassanabad Clinical InstructorNeurosurgeryAddress: 8125-2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Michael TsoM. TsoClinical Assistant ProfessorNeurosurgeryAddress:
303-3320 Richter St, Kelowna, BC
V1W 4V5
Dianne ValenzuelaD. Valenzuela Clinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
Suite 641 - 550 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC
V5Z 0E9
Katie JasperK. JasperClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress: 399 Royal Ave, Kelowna BC V1Y 5L3
Wing Yip (Terence) TamW. Y. TamResearch Technician, Luciani LabGeneral SurgeryAddress: BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute,
A4-151, Bay 19 – 950 W 28th Ave,
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4
Email: wing.tam@bcchr.ca
Justin OhJ. OhClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress: BC Cancer – Vancouver, 600 W 10th avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4E6
Bill HuangB. HuangClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryAddress: 405-1120 Yates St, Victoria, BC, V8V 3M9, Canada
James ChoiJ. ChoiClinical InstructorThoracic SurgeryAddress: 7115 - 2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9, Canada
Keerit TauhK. TauhClinical Assistant ProfessorCardiac SurgeryAddress: 2251 Pandosy St, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 1T1, Canada
Evgeny SadikovE. SadikovClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyAddress: 32900 Marshall Rd, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 0C2, Canada
Brenden van der WesthuizenB. van der WesthuizenClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 2268 Pandosy St, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 1T2, Canada
Terry FarquharT. FarquharClinical InstructorMember at LargeAddress: 1890 Cooper Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8B7
Shania LinggonS. LinggonSenior Administrative AssistantPediatric SurgeryAddress: Clinical Support Building Room V2-239, BCCH 950 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver BC, V5Z 4H4Phone: (604) 875-2300 Email: shania.linggon@cw.bc.ca
Graziano OldaniG. OldaniAssistant Professor
General Surgery Address: Room DHCC 5185, 2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver BC Email: graziano.oldani@vch.ca
Scott Lewis S. Lewis Education Program Manager Department of SurgeryAddress: 11117-2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver, V5Z 1M9Phone: 604 875 4111 ext. 23116 Email: scott.lewis@ubc.ca
Michael BleszynskiM. Bleszynski Clinical InstructorGeneral Surgery Address: DHCC 5th Floor – 2775 Laurel St., Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Lily TungL. Tung Clinical InstructorGeneral Surgery Address: PO Box 19101 RPO Fourth Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6K 4R8
Terence Kwan-WongT. Kwan-WongClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryAddress: 4480 Oak Street, K3-131 Ambulatory Care Building, Vancouver, BC, V6H 4H4
Amandeep BajwaA. BajwaClinical InstructorGeneral Surgery Address: 517 Sixth Ave N, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 2G8
Konrad SalataK. Salata Clinical InstructorVascular SurgeryAddress: 4217-2775 Laurel St., Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Herve ChoiH. ChoiClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress: 600 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Arthur LeeA. LeeClinical InstructorCardiac SurgeryAddress: 1081 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6
Jonathan RamkumarJ. RamkumarClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 1165 Dufferin Crescent
Nanaimo, BC
V9S 2B5
Melina DebanM. DebanClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 3080 Prince Edward St., Vancouver, BC V5T 3N4
Jessica YuJ. YuManager, Lancet Planetary Health Commission on Sustainable HealthcareGeneral SurgeryAddress: Room 11115, 2775 Laurel St., Room 11116, V5X 1M9Email: yu.jessica@ubc.ca
Mohit Arora M. Arora Senior Program AssistantGeneral SurgeryAddress: Room 11123, Diamond Healthcare Centre, 2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z 1M9Email: mohit.arora@ubc.ca
Ryan UrbanR. UrbanClinical Instructor; Area of Focused Competence Director, BrachytherapyRadiation OncologyClinical Office Address: BC Cancer - Vancouver, 600 W 10th Ave
Martina MudriM. Mudri,Clinical InstructorPediatric SurgeryClinical Office Address: #302-2020 Richmond St., Victoria, BC V8R 6R5
Joel HowlettJ. HowlettClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical Office Address: 300-1788 Broadway W, Vancouver, BC, V6J 1Y1, Canada
Emma DunneE. DunneClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyClinical Office Address: #4550-600 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Wei LiuW. LiuClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyClinical Office Address: #4328-600 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Tyler MoriT. MoriClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical Office Address: #101-8644 120 St., Surrey, BC V3W 3N6
Kevin ZhaoK. Zhao Clinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical Office Address: #201-520 St. Paul Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2J9
Mitchell WebbM. WebbClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office Address: 1624 7th Ave, Prince George, BC V2L 3P6
Jennifer LiJ. LiClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office Address: 306 – 301 E Columbia Street New Westminster, BC
Hannah WellsH. WellsResearch Assistant TechnicianPlastic SurgeryAddress: Room M41, Purdy Pavilion, 2221 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 2B5Phone number: 604-336-9488Email: padma.muruganandam@bccancer.bc.ca
Dennis Y. KimD. KimClinical ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 1 Hospital Way, Victoria, BC, V8Z 6R7, CanadaPhone: 250-727-4000

Annika Weir A. Weir Research Assistant TechnicianNeurosurgeryAddress: BC Children’s Hospital, Ambulatory Care Building, K3-168-4480Phone number: 604-761-2498
Email: annika.weir@ubc.ca
Patricia BalmesP. BalmesSenior Admirative Assistant General SurgeryAddress: 2775 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9. Office: 11123Phone number: +1 (604) 875. 4111 ext. 23104
Email: patricia.balmes@ubc.ca
Stephanie LimS. LimClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office Address: 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2T1
Raveena GowdaR. GowdaClinical Research CoordinatorPlastic SurgeryAddress: UBC Hospital, 2211 Wesbrook Mall, Room M41, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z7Phone number: 604 827 0438
Email: Raveena.gowda@ubc.ca
Mina KolahdouzmohammadiM. KolahdouzmohammadiPostdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Graziano Oldani's LabGeneral SurgeryAddress: Translational Research Building, BCCHR, Room A4 – 192, 950 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4H4Email: mina.kolahdouzmohammadi@ubc.ca
Do Hee KimD. H. KimResearch Manager General SurgeryAddress: Diamond Health Care Centre, Room 5185, 2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9Email: dohee.kim@ubc.ca
Kiersten PianosiK. PianosiClinical Assistant Professor; Continuing Medical Education Director, Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryClinical Office Address: 4480 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Katrina DuncanK. DuncanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryClinical Office Address: 201-301 E Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC V3L 3W5
Karen SlaterK. SlaterClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryClinical Office Address: 1000 – 777 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J7
Maurice BlitzM. BlitzClinical Assistant ProfessorThoracic SurgeryClinical Office Address: 201- 2903 Pandosy Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1W1
Zulfiqar KaderaliZ. Kaderali Clinical Assistant ProfessorNeurosurgeryClinical Office Address:
311 – 301 Columbia St E , New Westminster, BC V3L 3W5
Michael YamashitaM. YamashitaClinical Associate ProfessorCardiac SurgeryClinical Office Address: 106 – 2020 Richmond Rd, Victoria, BC V8R 6R5
Jieun Newman-BremangJ. Newman-BremangClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 3080 Prince Edward St, Vancouver, BC, V5T 3N4, Canada
Sophia ShayanS. ShayanResearch Assistant TechnicianPlastic SurgeryAddress: K3-108, Ambulatory Care Building, BC Children's Hospital, 4480 Oak Street, Vancouver BC, V6H 3V4Phone number: (604) 875-2525
Email: sophia.shayan@ubc.ca
Tuan LeT. LeResearch ManagerCardiac SurgeryAddress: Rm 489, St. Paul’s Hospital, 1081 Burrard St. Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6Email: mle2@providencehealth.bc.ca
Amjad TobiaA. TobiaClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress: 4480 Oak Street, ENT clinic. Vancouver, BC. V6H 3V4
Shrinivas RathodS. RathodClinical Assistant Professor Radiation OncologyAddress: 32900 Marshall Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 0C2Phone number: (604) 851-4710
Jaime KwokJ. KwokClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress: 13750 96 Ave, Surrey, BC, V3V 1Z2
Jia Lin SoonJ. L. SoonClinical InstructorCardiac SurgeryAddress: Walter Anderson Building, 2nd Floor, 2251 Pandosy Street, Kelowna BC, V1Y1T1
Peter DavisonP. DavisonClinical Assistant ProfessorPlastic SurgeryAddress: 3rd Floor 2775 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9Phone number: 604-875-5866 Ext. 6
Graeme Charles HintzG. C. HintzClinical Assistant Professor,
Resident Wellness Lead, Surgical Foundations
General SurgeryAddress: 3-2168 McCallum Rd. Abbotsford, BC, V2S 6R6Phone: 604-854-5303
Matthew HudsonM. HudsonClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 5091 Tsuma-as Drive, Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 8X9
Sebastian LauncelottS. LauncelottClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryAddress: 208-301 E. Columbia St, New Westminster, BC, V3L 3W5
Stefan LangS. LangClinical Assistant ProfessorNeurosurgeryAddress: 8124-2775 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9, Canada
Jenna-Lynn SengerJ.-L. SengerClinical Assistant Professor Plastic SurgeryAddress: 4480 Oak Street, K3-131 Ambulatory Care Building, Vancouver, BC, V6H 4H4Phone: 780-906-7221
Tyler OmeisT. OmeisClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress: 401-3320 Richter St, Kelowna, BC, V1W 4V5Phone: 250-763-2535
Asim BashirAsim BashirClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress: 2775 Laurel St Fl 3, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Dion SteerD. SteerClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 8407 112 Ave, Fort St John, BC, V1J 0J5Phone: (250) 262-5200
Timothy KongT. KongClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress: 600 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Jaymi DumperJ. DumperClinical Assistant ProfessorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress: 101-1847 Dufferin Cres, Nanaimo, BC, V9S 0B1, Canada
Elizaveta VasilyevaE. VasilyevaClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 5199-2775 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9, Canada
Shiana ManoharanS. ManoharanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 3-2168 McCallum Rd, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 6R6, Canada
Charlotte DandurandC. DandurandClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryAddress: 6100-818 10TH Ave W, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9, Canada
Nicole MakN. MakClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 13750 96 Ave, Surrey, BC, V3V 1Z2, Canada
Cole Needham C. Needham Laboratory Assistant, Nunez LabOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress: Vancouver General Hospital Research Pavilion, 662-828 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9Phone: 604-875-5341
Email: cole.needham@ubc.ca
Jaimie Lee J. Lee Research Assistant Technician, Isaac LabPlastic Surgery Address:
M41-2221 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 2B5
Phone: 604-336-9488
Email: jaimie.lee@ubc.ca
Geoffrey BlairG. Blair Clinical Professor EmeritusPediatric SurgeryEmail: geoffrey.blair@ubc.ca
Aaron Van SlykeA. Van SlykeClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress:
903-750 Broadway W Vancouver, BC V5Z 1H2
Phone: 604-318-0601
Bianka Saravana-BawanB. Saravana-BawanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
401-517 Sixth Ave N
Williams Lake, BC V2G 2G8
Phone: 250-398-8280
Jacques ZhangJ. ZhangClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress:
201-250 Keary Street
New Westminster, BC V3L 5E7
Phone: 778-398-1232
Sofie SchlagintweitS. SchlagintweitClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress:
301-8837 201 St
Langley, BC V2Y 0C8
Phone: 236-702-1155
Gina TrinhG. TrinhClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
411-5050 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5H 4C2
Phone: 778-945-2959
Rachel Liu HennesseyR. Liu HennesseyClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 5th Floor, 2775 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9Phone: 604-875-5790
Amanda MurphyA. MurphyClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress: 305-1625 Oak Bay Ave, Victoria, BC, V8R 1B1
Harvey HawesH. HawesClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 855 12TH Ave W, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Ryan Quinn ParkerR. Q. ParkerClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 3107 35th Ave, Vernon, BC V1T 2T2
Andrew RobertsonA. RobertsonClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress: 600 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4E6
Sarah Baghestani S. Baghestani Research Assistant TechnicianGeneral SurgeryAddress: Room A4-151, Bay 18, 950 W 28th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4H4Phone: 604-875-2000 ext. 7714
Email: sarah.baghestani@ubc.ca
Ahamad MuhieldinA. MuhieldinClinical InstructorCardiac SurgeryAddress: 4500 Oak St, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3N1Phone: 604-875-2345
Rene RazzakR. RazzakClinical InstructorThoracic SurgeryPhone: 250-763-7660
Chantalle GrantC. GrantClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 767 12th Ave W, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9Phone: 604-875-4559
Sena TurkdoganS. TurkdoganClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress: 130-29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria, BC, V8Z 5G5Phone: 250-223-0109
C. Michael HoneyC. M. HoneyClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryAddress: 231 15th St E, North Vancouver, BC, V7L 2L7Phone: 604-984-5971
David TanD. TanResearch Assistant Technician, Levings LabGeneral SurgeryAddress: A4-186, 950 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver BC, V5Z 4H4Phone: 604-808-5586 Email: david.tan@ubc.ca
Dana LaoD. LaoResearch Assistant Technician, Levings LabGeneral SurgeryAddress: A4-102, 950 West 28th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4H4Phone: 604-875-2000 ext. 4602
Email: dana.lao@bcchr.ca
Tina ChenT. ChenRegistries Hub CoordinatorPediatric SurgeryAddress: V2-229, 950 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4H4Phone: 604-875-2345 ext. 4313
Email: rui.chen@ubc.ca
David YoussefD. YoussefClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 4634 Park Ave, Terrace, BC, V8G 1V7Phone: 250-892-0260
Rola AjjawiR. AjjawiProfessor of Medical Education, Department of Surgery and the Centre for Health Education ScholarshipMember at LargeAddress: #429J – 2194 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3Phone: 604-822-8615
Email: rola.ajjawi@ubc.ca
Kiana BurranK. BurranResearch Assistant Technician, Heather Stuart's LabGeneral SurgeryAddress: 5188-2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver BC, V5Z 1M9Phone: 604-875-5770
Email: kiana.burran@ubc.ca
Yaser TahamtaniY. TahamtaniResearch AssociateGeneral SurgeryAddress: Room A4-198, Workstation 17 BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute A4-184, 950 W 28th Avenue Vancouver BC, V5Z 4H4Email: yaser.tahamtani@bcchr.ca
Stephanie Cooper S. Cooper Research Assistant Technician, Dr. Erika Henkelman's LabPlastic SurgeryAddress:
BC Children's Hospital Room K3-131
4480 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4
Phone: 604-875-2525 Email: stephanie.cooper@cw.bc.ca
Sanna BhayanaS. BhayanaDatabase AssistantGeneral Surgery Address: 5188-2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver BC, V5Z 1M9Phone: 778-938-4272
Email: sanna.bhayana@ubc.ca
Zach ZhangZ. ZhangClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress: 101-1133 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, BC V7M 2H4Phone: 604-983-9985
Reena BawejaR. BawejaClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryAddress: 474 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T5Phone: 778-471-9271
Abdulrahman AlenaziA. AlenaziClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress: 3330 Richter St, Kelowna, BC, V1W 4V5Phone: 250-868-8056
Kevan LuK. LuClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress: 1081 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6Phone: 604-806-8540
Janelle RekmanJ. RekmanClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 207-9181 Main St, Chilliwack, BC, V2P 4M9Phone: 604-792-1556
James ByrneJ. ByrneClinical Assistant ProfessorGeneral SurgeryAddress: 855 12TH Ave W, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9Phone: 604-875-5094
Nataliya MoldovanN. MoldovanClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress: 399 Royal Ave, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 5L3Phone: 250-712-3900
Michelle BaleM. BaleClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress: 600 10TH Ave W, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4E6Phone: 604- 877-6000
Kelsey Cruz K. Cruz Research Assistant TechnicianNeurosurgeryAddress:
5560-855 West 12th Avenue,
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604-874-4111 Ext. 61505 Email: kelsey.cruz@ubc.ca
Evan WilsonE. WilsonResearch Assistant TechnicianNeurosurgeryAddress:

8101-2775 Laurel Street

Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604-875-4111 ext.68396
Email: evan.wilson@ubc.ca
Jeffrey GrabJ. GrabClinical InstructorVascular SurgeryAddress:
210-546 St. Paul Street
Kamloops, BC, V2C 5T1
Phone: 250-377-3331
Michael CraigM. CraigClinical InstructorNeurosurgeryAddress: 306-250 Keary St.,
New Westminster, BC, V3L 5E7
Phone: 778-867-1508
Sela GraysS. GraysResearch Assistant TechnicianPediatric SurgeryAddress: 4480 Oak St., Vancouver BC V6H 3V4Phone: 604-875-2000 x5091
Stacy FanS. FanClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress: 103-1125 Dufferin Cres, Nanaimo, BC, V9S 2B5Phone: 604-875-4111
Seungchan LeeS. LeeClinical Assistant ProfessorVascular SurgeryAddress: 208-301 Columbia St E, New Westminster, BC, V3L 3W5Phone: 604-522-0060
Momina MasudM. MasudResearch Manager General SurgeryAddress:
Translational Research Building (TRB), Floor: 4, Room A4-198
950 W 28th Ave
Vancouver, BC V6H 0B3
Email: momina.masud@bcchr.ca
Robert BairdClinical Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Vivian BascoClinical Professor Emerita
Radiation Oncology
Laurence BurrClinical Associate
Professor Emeritus
Cardiac Surgery
Norman Peter BlairClinical Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
AD CourtemancheClinical Professor EmeritusPlastic Surgery
Kenneth EvansClinical Professor EmeritusThoracic Surgery
Donald FitzpatrickClinical Professor EmeritusPlastic Surgery
Graham FraserClinical Professor EmeritusPediatric Surgery
Peter FryClinical Professor EmeritusVascular Surgery
John HayClinical Professor EmeritusRadiation Oncology
Jacques LeblancClinical Professor EmeritusPediatric Surgery
Gregor McGregorClinical Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Keith RidingClinical Professor EmeritusOtolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Anthony SalvianClinical Professor EmeritusVascular Surgery
Nis SchmidtClinical Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Charles SnellingClinical Professor EmeritusPlastic Surgery
Julius StollerClinical Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Robert TaylorClinical Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Laurence TurnerClinical Professor EmeritusGeneral Surgery
Cynthia VerchereClinical Professor EmeritusPediatric Surgery
Brian FoleyClinical Associate
Professor Emeritus
Plastic Surgery
Ronald McNeillClinical
Professor Emeritus
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Stewart JacksonClinical Professor EmeritusRadiation Oncology
Kevin NickelK. NickelClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress:
2775 Laurel Street, 3rd Floor, Station 8,
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604-875-5866 Ext.8
Grace YiG. YiClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
606-1160 Burrard St,
Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2E8
Phone: 604-757-1831
Dean PercyD. PercyClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
101-901 Island Hwy,
Campbell River, BC, V9W 2C2
Phone: 250-286-0767
Vivian MaV. MaClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
305-5171 221A St,
Langley, BC, V2Y 0A2
Phone: 604-534-9288
Nathan HowN. HowClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
103-571 6th St NE,
Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 1R6
Phone: 778-721-5686
Megan NeufeldM. NeufeldClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress:
2900 Marshall Road,
Abbotsford, BC, V2S 0C2
Phone: 604-851-4710
Isaac Rosado-SanchezI. Rosado-SanchezResearch AssociateGeneral SurgeryAddress:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Rm A4-186
950 West 28th Ave. Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4H4
Email: isaac.rosadosanchez@bcchr.ca
Kyle IrvineK. IrvineClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
101-1617 Baker St
Cranbrook, BC, V1C 1B4
Phone: 250-489-3044
Pang YoungP. YoungClinical InstructorGeneral SurgeryAddress:
13750 96 Ave, Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
Phone: 236-332-3241
Arezoo AstaneheA. AstaneheClinical InstructorPlastic SurgeryAddress:
202-1945 McCallum Rd
Abbotsford, BC, V2S 3N2
Phone: 604-853-1918 Ext. 103
Srinivas RamanS. RamanClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyAddress:
600 10th Ave W,
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604-877-6000
Abdulla Al-RashdanA. Al-RashdanClinical Assistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyAddress:
2410 Lee Ave
Victoria, BC, V8R 6V5
Phone: 250-519-5500
Thomas KennedyT. KennedyClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress:
399 Royal Avenue
Kelowna, BC, V1Y 5L3
Phone: 250-712-3900
Chandra MartensC. MartensClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress:
600 10th Ave West,
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604-877-6000
Rahul SureshR. SureshHuman Resources AssistantDepartment of SurgeryAddress:
Room 11133-2
11th Floor
Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Center
2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
Phone: 604.875.4111
Ext 23100
Email: rahul.suresh@ubc.ca
Robert MondinR. MondinClinical InstructorOtolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAddress:
19204 8th Street North
Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3N3
Alexa DangA. DangClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress:
600 10th Ave West,
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4E6
Phone: 604-877-6000
Jui-Chih ChengJ. ChengClinical InstructorRadiation OncologyAddress:
13750 96 Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3V 1Z2
Phone: 604 930 2098
Angel ArnaoutA. ArnaoutClinical ProfessorRadiation OncologyAddress:
200 - 133 West Broadway, BC, V6H 4C1
Phone: 604 875 7100
Shivani MehtaS. MehtaResearch Assistant Technician, Lynn LaboratoryGeneral SurgeryAddress:
Room Q5-101
950 28th Ave W., Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z 4H4
Phone: 604 875 2000 * 4641
Email: shivani.mehta@bcchr.ca
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