Career & Appointment Opportunities

Academic Appointments

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Clinical Faculty Initial Appointments and Application

Throughout the province, more than 600 clinical faculty members, teach and inspire learners in the UBC Department of Surgery. They often also make significant contributions in administration, professional development, and translational and clinical research. A faculty appointment is necessary to teach UBC students and trainees.

Clinical Faculty appointments are governed by the Faculty of Medicine’s Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments.

Please see the Clinical Faculty Affairs Office website for the clinical faculty resource guide, compensation terms, contract updates, teaching resources, clinical faculty events and other information of interest to Clinical Faculty in the UBC Faculty of Medicine.

Department of Surgery Application Process for an Initial Appointment

Applications are accepted and considered at any time during the academic year.

If you are applying to a rank other than Clinical Instructor, you will also need to submit:

Please send your CV and any teaching evaluations you may have, to your UBC Division Head and request a letter of support be submitted directly to the HR Assistant. If you are unsure who your Division Head is, please reach out to the HR Assistant (

If you are applying from a distributed sites, a letter of support from your Regional Associate Dean will also be required. The HR Assistant will forward your application documents to the corresponding expanded site contact for the letter.

Clinical Instructor appointments are approved by the Department Head.

For all other ranks, your application will be reviewed the UBC Department of Surgery’s Clinical Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee who will make a recommendation to the Department Head. The HR Assistant will communicate with you after a decision has been made about your rank.

Clinical Faculty Promotions

  • Clinical Faculty promotions are governed by the Faculty of Medicine’s Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments.
  • Determine the rank at which you want to apply. Descriptions are available here.
  • In December of each year, the UBC Department of Surgery will send out an email inviting applications for promotions to all clinical faculty members.
  • After the email request for promotion submission is received, provide the following documents to the HR Assistant at by the deadline noted in the email:
  • In the spring, the Department of Surgery’s Clinical Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee review the applications and make a recommendation to the Department Head.
  • Faculty members are notified about the outcome of their promotion review by the HR Assistant.
  • The promotion applications are then forwarded to the Dean’s Office for final approval and successful applicants should receive a letter from the Dean in August, confirming their promotion, effective retroactive to July 1st.
  • For more information about the criteria for promotion to each rank, please see the Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments.

Staff Appointments

Permanent Positions

Please see the UBC Human Resources Staff Careers page for staff job opportunities, including any which may be open in the Department of Surgery.

Temporary Positions

Find job listings from UBC Hiring Solutions. UBC Hiring Solutions provides UBC with temporary skilled, professional staff at all level of expertise.