Dr. Gary Redekop Reflecting on Brain Surgery in Below the Radar Podcast

In episode 214 of the Below the Radar podcast “Reflecting on Brain Surgery”, hosted by SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement, Am Johal interviews Dr. Gary Redekop, a neurosurgeon and the Head of the Department of Surgery at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Redekop shares his experiences and insights into advancements in medicine, the evolving field of neurosurgery, and the importance of patient perspectives.

Dr. Redekop discusses the significant changes in medical practice over the past 30 years, particularly in the field of neurosurgery. He highlights the advancements in diagnostic imaging, such as CT scans and MRI, which have revolutionized the ability to visualize and understand the brain. Additionally, he talks about the development of minimally invasive surgical techniques, resulting in safer procedures, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times for patients.

Throughout the conversation, Dr. Redekop emphasizes the importance of understanding the patient’s perspective. He acknowledges the anxiety patients experience when facing brain surgery, and highlights the need for surgical teams to be sympathetic and supportive. Dr. Redekop also briefly discusses the practice of awake craniotomy, where patients are kept awake during the procedure to help map brain functions.

Looking to the future, Dr. Redekop highlights the ongoing progress in less invasive treatments and non-invasive approaches in neurosurgery. He notes that these advancements allow for a wider range of conditions to be treated safely and effectively. Additionally, Dr. Redekop briefly touches on the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, mentioning the importance of therapies and support for patients during their recovery process.

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